Being sober for so many years is getting interesting.

Nature is commonplace. Imitation is more interesting.

No one is perfect. It's not interesting to be perfect.

A different spice is the most interesting thing to me.

It's nice to see your name in print. It's interesting.

Nothing remains interesting where anything may happen.

This is not a great phone. It's an interesting design.

The writer's room is a really interesting place to be.

Handel is only fourth rate. He's not even interesting.

Death is Nature's expert advice to get plenty of Life.

Make the time to be scared of more interesting things.

Some of the stupidest brilliant people who ever lived.

I find it so funny that people find me so interesting.

Painting becomes interesting when it becomes timeless.

I don't play villains, I play very interesting people

I watch things that are fun, or funny, or interesting.

Interesting things happen in the dark . . . sometimes.

There are several really interesting clocks in Berlin.

If you have many desires your life will be interesting.

Beauty becomes alive and interesting when it’s habited.

Nothing is perfect. Flaws are interesting. Be the tree.

If God is watching us, we might as well be interesting.

Liking interesting things doesn't make you interesting.

Television is the most interesting hobby I've ever had.

I look at the time with you to keep me awake and alive.

Hip-hop has always been exciting and interesting to us.

I try to make things interesting and thought-provoking.

What makes life interesting are the challenges we face.

Comedies are something Id be very interesting in doing.

Marry or marry not, in any either case you'll regret it

It's interesting to think about how the book changed us.

If a man isn't a certain age, he just isn't interesting.

Life's only obligation, afterall, was to be interesting.

Fortunately, the second-to-last bug has just been fixed.

Put your characters where they are the most interesting.

I want to play characters that are interesting to watch.

You never know . . . that's what makes life interesting.

His pomposity is overshadowed only by his rank stupidity

I think the most interesting thing is what happens next.

Fear is the spice that makes it interesting to go ahead.

Ambient music must be as ignorable as it is interesting.

Birthdays are about doing something fun and interesting.

I like novelists who can create other interesting worlds.

St. Louis is a very interesting city in terms of accents.

I'm just trying to do things that are interesting for me.

Never be less interesting than your refrigerator magnets.

I've never found an interesting person with a foul mouth.

The places where trails do not exist are not well marked.

A woman does not become interesting until she is over 40.

My goal is to always play interesting and very odd women.

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