It was interesting to think that the very first liquid ever poured on the Moon, and the first food eaten there, were communion elements.

I enjoy photographing. It's always interesting, so I can't say one thing is more fun than another. Everything has it's own difficulties.

It's interesting - years ago, I had such bad stage fright during musical theater auditions that I just gave up. And now I'm on Broadway.

My son likes to go see mines and electric plants, or the Large Hadron Collider, and we've had a chance to see a lot of interesting stuff.

[George] Orwell's essays. It's got it all. Great writing, a worldview that I find interesting and useful, and most of it timelessly true.

I learned that I enjoy directing a lot more than I enjoy writing, which is interesting, because writing is lonely and infamous basically.

Our appreciations, it was felt, could be so much more inclusive if we said that something, instead of being beautiful, was 'interesting'.

Maybe I'm more drawn to those kind of parts because they are meaningful to me. I mean, more parent-y ones, I find them interesting to do.

When you question what you believe, you leave the world, really, and what the world believes. It puts you in a very interesting position.

...I love 'yes.' It's practically the most interesting word of all, don't you think?" Like a hinge opening a door outward. Yes, yes, yes.

Movies and acting are so much fun. I love playing different characters and doing different genres. It's all still very interesting to me.

Only those who decline to scramble up the career ladder are interesting as human beings. Nothing is more boring than a man with a career.

There's no such thing as a normal life. Some lives are just more interesting than others, and we shouldn't judge people for being boring.

I always find that really interesting, you know, when I get to see characters that I love in TV and film and theater around their family.

For me, disability is a way of getting some extremity, some kind of very difficult situation, that throws an interesting light on people.

There's actually something interesting about having no rehearsal time - you have to just walk in and go with your gut, which is exciting.

To me, the most interesting part of 'True Blood' is that the entire crux of the show is based on identity and finding your true identity.

I am in the interesting position of being sometimes skimmed by the critics and called literature and sometimes called historical fiction.

Linguistics is very much a science. It's a human science, one of the human sciences. And it's one of the more interesting human sciences.

It's really interesting because 50 years ago, if you didn't wear a hat everyone looked at you. It just proves that everything is fashion.

Being consistent is way less interesting than being yourself. And if you're not interesting? Good luck with your Big Consistency Project.

I'm not really a partier, in general. I've definitely learned that that's probably the least interesting thing you can do with your time.

Other acting opportunities had come along, but nothing that was tantalizing enough to me to step away from what I found most interesting.

People profess to have certain political positions, but their conservatism or liberalism is really the least interesting thing about them.

I was always trying to take art photographs, but the most interesting pictures were the snapshots. The artsy pictures were boring, always.

The whole ability to look at the complexity of race and any sort of associated -ism and still find humor, that's a very interesting space.

You have to take pains in a memoir not to hang on the reader's arm, like a drunk, and say, 'And then I did this and it was so interesting.

Why wouldn't you write to escape yourself as much as you might write to express yourself? It's far more interesting to write about others.

I think the interesting aspect of life is that you're always sort of in the middle. You're never the youngest and you're never the oldest.

But I live an interesting life and I can tell a pretty good story and it has helped my career. But the downside is people know everything.

Everyone is complicated one way or another. But it's interesting to dig into a complicated character, to try to find that within yourself.

It was interesting looking back at the '80s and trying to find newspaper headlines from the time - the cliché of history repeating itself.

Interesting shade #23 Lush Golden Blonde highlights. Heyyyyyy.... The woman in the awful suit was me! The woman in the cheap shoes was me!

I love talking to interesting people - people like O.J. Simpson, Andretti... I love champions. A champion has something special about him.

- "Control what an interesting word for you to be dwelling on" - "I have other words" I scream the F-Word in my head, over and over again.

It would be interesting to go to Buckingham Palace. I'd just like to see what goes on - I'm not bothered about hearing any political chat.

What's so interesting about the internet - I keep saying this - is the web has gotten worse over the last five years as opposed to better.

We just play whatever we're into. For a while there, we weren't listening to too much rap stuff, 'cause there wasn't anything interesting.

If you can take it to the next level and really tell an interesting story in a unique and fresh way, then I feel like that's a great song.

Rap is the only interesting music left - it's the only genre that's still pushing itself, and experimenting in a way that I find exciting.

I just want to work with good filmmakers and do good projects that mean something to me and play interesting characters. That's really it.

It's interesting to see the dislocation between how people perceive a person visually. Apparently on the radio I'm blonde with a big arse.

Comedy, drama, Westerns, sci-fi... it's all fine if the story's compelling and the character is interesting to me. I do like action a lot.

Anytime there's an actual grassroots movement that isn't funded by people trying to create a grassroots movement, I find that interesting.

I have an interesting relationship with my voice. I give myself tons of freedom in how to engage with my voice because I respect it a lot.

Prison makes an interesting context for so many different characters to come together. You get to see what lines get drawn between people.

Molly Shannon such an interesting actress that portrays vulnerability and danger at the same time, because she seems brittle in that role.

I must confess I knew very little about the trance scene, I'm more house and commercial dance but it was really interesting and different.

I'm always trying to get those interviews that are impossible to get, because they are the ones that are most interesting to the audience.

I like these nonfiction books where everything that is interesting about them is lost in that catch-all description of their "about"-ness.

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