The more you are different, the more interesting. The more you are not like me, the more I want to get to know more about you.

Im attracted to things that are challenging and fun and interesting, and it certainly seems that audiences enjoy them as well.

It is interesting that the investment industry has invented new ways to lose money when the old ways seemed to work just fine.

Love may be the answer, but even though you're watching for the solution, intercourse raises some rather interesting thoughts.

Communicating with musicians is really interesting because everyone has their quirks and their strengths and their weaknesses.

I don't know that I find either aspect of Jesus more interesting than the other, although maybe I think about the God one more.

Siamese twins are interesting because they are the only people who can write a biography and an autobiography at the same time.

I think people are just intrigued with the supernatural. I mean, I know that I am. It's something that I find very interesting.

I think writing for a world one has invented can be infinitely more interesting than writing for the world we've all inherited.

The most total opposite of pleasure is not pain but boredom, for we are willing to risk pain to make a boring life interesting.

Chickens are interesting individuals who have as much right not to be cooked and eaten as a dog or a cat or even a human being.

I dare make those comparisons, but we often said 'the making of' would be as interesting if not more interesting than the film.

The history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself.

I root for all movies, but I especially root for good comic book movies. It's the best, most interesting genre going right now.

The interesting thing about acting is using all your own stuff and having some kind of personal catharsis while you're working.

It's always interesting to see a director trying different things, and on top of it, doing it right each and almost every time.

If you know two cultures and two languages, that intermediate place, where the two don't perfectly meet, is really interesting.

It's interesting when something new comes along, a band of dwarfs playing electronic harps or something, but I'm not searching.

I like trying to make sounds that are interesting and are a bit weird. I try to make music that captures people's imaginations.

That heightened dynamic can produce interesting, funny ideas that are phrased in ways that surprise even you, as the performer.

People regurgitate the same old cliches and it becomes like a photocopy of a photocopy of something that's vaguely interesting.

Once an interesting idea or theme occurs to me then I would want to write a poem about it. The rest, frankly, is not difficult.

Becoming a father made me much more interested in the parent character in my novels. I've never found parents that interesting.

What makes the food that we do at Alinea so interesting on the outside is that we really don't let ourselves say no to an idea.

I think there's some stuff that's at least photographically interesting. There are things I back off from trying to talk about.

Life is not dependent upon our classifications and our categories, our science. But we are. We find it interesting and helpful.

Still, it's an interesting technique-leaving one person behind in order to find her or him somewhere else. And in someone else.

I think any period in history can be adapted into interesting fiction, as long as you approach the actual history with respect.

I am very happy to be working with so many talented directors and writers, who are penning scripts that are interesting for me.

The thing that's interesting as you get older as an artist is that the biggest challenge seems to be: how do you stay relevant?

The proverbial thirteenth chime of the clock - is not only wrong itself, but calls into question everything that came before it.

Despite that sort of reputation that Canada has of being a boring place, we really have produced really interesting politicians.

The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.

I do not recognize these as defeats. They are but interesting experiences of life. They are valuable stepping stones to success.

One of the great joys of life is creativity. Information goes in, gets shuffled about, and comes out in new and interesting ways

Work in nightclubs was interesting. There were interesting people and places, but by and large, the commercial music experience.

The measure of an enthusiasm must be taken between interesting events. It is between bites that the lukewarm angler loses heart.

Within three or four months, the average girl will just get used up. It just takes your soul, you know? It just takes your soul.

Have you noticed there are no interesting people in heaven? -Just a hint to the girls as to where they can find their salvation.

Most of those melodies are me trying to find out what notes fit, and then hitting ones that don't fit in a very interesting way.

Now I feel I have an unspoken deal with the paparazzi: 'I won't do anything publicly interesting if you agree not to follow me.'

For me, it's interesting because I never thought of myself as an action man, but apparently I can do it, so that's good to know.

Misreading is a big part of reading, the way in which the level of attention you're paying can lead to some interesting residue.

I think that women can tend to look so feminine so easily. So it's interesting to see how we can look masculine and strong, too.

The perplexity of life arises from there being too many interesting things in it for us to be interested properly in any of them.

What is interesting to me is to find ways to work with early-stage innovators to build from the edge and work on tomorrows ideas.

London is a good fashion city. They're a little more daring. There's the element of the aristocracy, which is always interesting.

It was very interesting growing up in South Africa then. It was extraordinary. It was multiculturalism before it became an issue.

If you try to make interesting films, you're going to be disappointed most of the time. I choose just not to look at it that way.

What's interesting about songs where the writer is genuinely in love with words is that it's easy to read the lyrics like a poem.

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