You can't go from a $2,000-a-night suite at La Mirage to a penitentiary, and really understand it, and come out a liberal.

Everyone is interesting. Everyone has something unexpected to offer and the job of acting is to pull it out of each other.

When most people think about my work, they think about diet. To me, diet has always been the least interesting part of it.

Whatever story you're telling, it will be more interesting if, at the end you add, "and then everything burst into flames.

What's interesting about the movie and characters is that they're one thing to the world and another thing in their heads.

It's really funny, because if you make up words, then people project their own meanings onto it, which I find interesting.

I'm always looking for films, but the horror scripts that I get tend to be very repetitive and often not that interesting.

An interesting attribute of public banks is that they don't only de-risk the downside, but also get a share of the upside.

I really don't know but I would quote for a book from JACQUELINE WILSON which is a very interesting book of her childhood.

Interesting. You Earth people glorify organized violence for 40 centuries, but you imprison those who employ it privately.

How can we, with our adult minds, know what will be interesting? If you follow the can find out something new.

He would give all of his clothes to his servant, admonishing him NOT to return them until he had completed his day's work.

The harder routes you climb, the more interesting the climbing gets and the more crazy moves you are forced to figure out.

I love not being in a comfortable state, anyway. That makes for much more interesting storylines and an interesting story.

It is good if your enemy underestimates you. The dumber they think you are the more surprised they are when you kill them.

There aren't many roles that are interesting if you're a 40-year-old woman, unless you're Julia Roberts or Cate Blanchett.

Nothing can create something all the time due to the laws of quantum mechanics, and it's - it's fascinatingly interesting.

Not writing is as important as writing - go out into the world and remember how interesting it, and the people in it, are.

I have some sort of affinity for compulsive behavior. The most interesting stories come up from the people on the outside.

I look at a photograph. What's going on? What's happening, photographically? If it's interesting, I try to understand why.

The first novel that I wrote was because I was having very interesting sorts of experiences, for Indians of my generation.

It’s interesting how you can know someone for a long time, and then one day you just see them in this whole different way.

Choreography is simpler than you think. Just go and do, and don't think so much about it. Just make something interesting.

I'm always looking for a chance to play somebody who's completely opposite of me, just because I find it more interesting.

As few subjects are more interesting to society, so few have been more frequently written upon than the education of youth.

If thou wouldst be interesting, keep thy personality in the background, and be great and strong in and through thy subject.

One of the interesting things about skateboarding and graffiti is that skateboarding exists in the documentation of an act.

The individual person is more interesting than people in general; he and not they is the one whom God created in His image.

Maybe she thought the garbage and rocks in your head were interesting. But finally, garbage is garbage and rocks are rocks.

Ironically, that was quite a bit of the appeal of Rumours. It's equally interesting on a musical level and as a soap opera.

The regulation of genes is often more interesting than the genes themselves, and it's the environment that regulates genes.

It would be more interesting to learn from children, than try to teach them how to behave, how to live and how to function.

My only conclusion about structure is that nothing works if you don't have interesting characters and a good story to tell.

Archetypes are always [in my film-making]. It's sometimes interesting to just flip them a little bit and see the underside.

I graduated in 2009, which - if you think back to where the economy was at that time - was an interesting time to graduate.

I have decided to keep a full journal, in the hope that my life will perhaps seem more interesting when it is written down.

When you only have $15 million, you have to talk about something interesting. You can't just cut to a helicopter exploding.

You know, it doesn’t matter how beautiful you are, if you don’t have anything interesting to say, then you’re still boring.

I was never a left-winger, actually. I was a pretend left-winger because it was more interesting than being a right-winger.

Ach, people are always telling us not to do things" said Rob Anybody, "that's how we ken the most interesting things to do.

I wouldn't play the normal girl. I don't think that that's interesting or realistic, as far as how human beings really are.

I suppose with any good writing and interesting characters, you can have that awfully overused word [...] - a jouuuuuurney.

Potatoes are very interesting folks. I think they must see a lot of what is going on in the earth - they have so many eyes.

What bugs me is that movies don't reflect how interesting and vibrant women are. We don't treasure women as they get older.

When you make a movie it's always interesting, because you end up in places you never would as a normal visitor or tourist.

Liberation is an interesting word, because you can be liberated from external things, and also from your internal dialogue.

One of the many interesting challenges nature presents us is its apparent disinterest in maintaining the order humans crave.

Tod Goldberg has long been one of the most interesting writers around, and Gangsterland is his biggest and best book so far.

I believe that there's something interesting about anyone and everyone - you just have to figure out what that something is.

I suppose maybe [Wilson] would be a better person if he were able to censor himself, but then he wouldn't be as interesting.

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