Modeling, for me, isn't about being beautiful but creating something interesting for people to look at and think about.

The most interesting part of filming is what the actors do. That's the primary link between the story and the audience.

My nature is feminist. How could you not be a feminist and be alive? The world is full of brilliant, interesting women.

But you can make good radio, interesting radio, great radio even, without an urgent question, a burning issue at stake.

Oil replacements and then efficiencies in engines and housing and the way we build houses is a very interesting market.

I really like visiting schools, but what I tell students isn't anywhere near as interesting to me as what they tell me.

I fell in love with traveling and thought being a photographer would be an interesting way to travel and make a living.

'Mystic River' just smelled interesting to me. So I read it and liked it right away. Even the dialogue in it was great.

I just believe that the interesting time in a career is pre-success, what shaped things, how did you get to this point.

Every day is like that, eight successive meetings on eight different topics, every one really important and interesting.

You spend the first term at Oxford meeting interesting and exciting people and the rest of your time there avoiding them

Teaching is only interesting because you struggle with trying to talk about photographs, photographs that work, you see.

The job is interesting, and the task is difficult, but the man [Maigret] is just a decent man doing a very ordinary job.

I don't look at my films or my old drawings much, so that was an interesting way to kind of reconnect with myself a bit.

If I read too much or know too much it's not because I want to talk about it, it's only because it's interesting for me.

It's part of the celebrity process but my life has never been as interesting or as wild as what's been printed about me.

I'm not a believer in the future. The most interesting things are always behind us. I look at everything as archaeology.

Genre-spanning is the effort to make the live show interesting. It's also a great way to challenge yourself as a writer.

As a writer, I think your first job is to find a subject that you think you and others will find inherently interesting.

Allow rather than resist what arises in the present moment-inside or out. Let it be interesting rather than good or bad.

I have been black and blue in some spot, somewhere, almost all my life from too intimate contacts with my own furniture.

I always chose sophisticated parts because you can't really be interesting as a young girl or outstanding as an ingenue.

You think everybody's paying attention to what you're doing. No, they're paying attention to what's interesting to them.

I think that I'm so psychotic and so mentally ill that if I could tap into that I could do something really interesting.

If I'm going to act in someone's movie, I want the movie to be interesting and be able to get a couple of solid doubles.

I just really have an affinity for women. Watching them go through journeys is more interesting to me than watching men.

Sometimes a sign or a quote is simply interesting by itself and does not require anything beyond being framed on a page.

My wife has a line of fine Indian foods, that's kind of a very successful business. It's an interesting way to see life.

Merely stating a truth isn't enough. The truth has to be made vivid, interesting, dramatic. You have to use showmanship.

For me, life has been interesting and entertaining, and I'm interested and curious about what's going to happen each day.

More interesting than thinking about whats possible in 10 years is thinking whats possible now but that no one has built.

It's kind of interesting to be a director who is all of a sudden being an actor playing an agent. This is my whole world!

I always wanted to work with Ashutosh Gowariker because of the interesting ways in which he depicts stories in his films.

Clay is a very interesting and fundamental material: it's earth, it's water, and - with fire - it takes on form and life.

What the universe will manifest when you are in alignment with it is a lot more interesting than what you try to manifest

Every time that I wanted to give up, if I saw an interesting textile, print what ever, suddenly I would see a collection.

I think that the dramas that you find in TV are actually a lot more interesting, typically, than what you find in cinema.

It's interesting to see the world's fascination with a troubled artist. The artists sure wouldn't share their enthusiasm.

To the wingless a more interesting phenomenon is their (W/E Egg) dissimilarity in every particular except shape and size.

There's just an incredibly rich and interesting relationship between our listening to music and the way our minds engage.

It is easy to get an interesting loop to happen, but it becomes a collage when the song and loop are constantly changing.

Absurdity is one of the most human things about us: a manifestation of our most advanced and interesting characteristics.

We do not fear being called meticulous, inclining as we do to the view that only the exhaustive can be truly interesting.

Writing in a nuanced way, getting at all the details in a way that remains interesting for the reader, is very difficult.

For me, serendipity, coincidence and chance are more interesting than any preconceived construct of our human encounters.

To talk easily with people, you must firmly believe that either you or they are interesting. And even then it's not easy.

With Scratch, we want to let kids to be the creators. We want them to create interesting, dynamic things on the computer.

I don't think you can create anything interesting from a comfort zone. You have to work from a place of fear and failure.

A man's life is interesting primarily when he has failed - I well know. For it's a sign that he tried to surpass himself.

[In many circumstances,] the most important thing about a proposition is not that it be true, but that it be interesting.

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