Writing software that's safe even in the presence of bugs makes the challenge even more interesting.

Important people are much more interesting when they are drunk and seem much more like human beings.

The most interesting thing about a postage stamp is the persistence with which it sticks to its job.

If there are no other wonderful roles that come my way, I have a quite an interesting, dynamic life.

One of the greatest tragedies of life is the murder of a beautiful theory by a gang of brutal facts.

The worst surroundings in the world can be tolerated if the people in them are interesting and kind.

It's good that people don't like you. That's good. It means that you are doing something interesting.

It's interesting to see people's projections because one lives very much in the world of projections.

Fascinating is a word I use for the unexpected, in this case I would think interesting would suffice.

Intellectual generalities are always interesting, but generalities in morals mean absolutely nothing.

Students will start finding history interesting when their teachers and textbooks stop lying to them.

The girls everyone considers the "prettiest" are not always the most interesting or ambitious people.

The bad guys are not typical, they are not just bad, they are interesting. They might be good or bad.

Surprising and interesting things happen to those who keep their eyes and their minds open and alert!

One compositional element suggests and asks for another. This is what makes the activity interesting.

A religion that takes no account of practical affairs and does not help to solve them is no religion.

If you're a thinking person, the liver is interesting, but nothing is more intriguing than the brain.

I really do believe that if you don't challenge yourself and risk failing, that it's not interesting.

There are definitely worse people to be compared with. I think Brad Pitt makes interesting decisions.

I don't stress myself about my looks. I love to laugh. I like being able to lead an interesting life.

Besides the fact that I make movies, there's nothing interesting about my life at all, unfortunately.

I decided that it might be interesting to have terrible things happen to orphans over and over again.

It's never been my goal to do 'big' films because a big film in itself is not very interesting to me.

If you want an interesting party sometime, combine cocktails and a fresh box of crayons for everyone.

It's interesting, because as a musician, I don't feel like I need to be on the top of the pop charts.

Marketing is the art of seeing (and then creating) what might be interesting to more than our friends

Every team should have the chance to go on the podium, that would make it interesting. I believe that.

It's interesting when you're trying to create a character in animation. It's really a communal effort.

Prose talent depends on having something to say and an interesting, highly developed way of saying it.

That's still a mystery but people think that Seungri has a lot of stories, is interesting and special.

Kant and Hegel are interesting thinkers. But I am happy to insist that they are also terrible writers.

I think that I have every right to write a book. I think I'm interesting. I have perspective about me.

It's interesting, I had absolutely no maternal instinct. I'm much more interested in young people now.

I write in the first person because I have always wanted to make my life more interesting than it was.

What's interesting about writing is the invention, the creative thing. Writing about myself is a yawn.

I don't think ordinary things are very interesting, so I try to imagine a world that is less ordinary.

What's interesting is that my style is a lot crazier than what I project out there. It's a lot edgier.

Although Mr. Trump talks an interesting and entertaining game, rarely do I hear him lay out specifics.

There are two ways to learn anything. An interesting way and a boring way. I like the interesting way.

You can read everybody. It's not even interesting to tell the truth because to some extent it's false.

My desire was never to be famous. It was to try and create something interesting musically if I could.

The person you are is a thousand times more interesting than the best actor you could ever hope to be.

I've been dating a lot. I've met some very interesting people, and I've had some horrible blind dates.

The good parts are the people who don't make do. They're the interesting people. Lear doesn't make do.

Sometimes my mistakes turn into interesting music because I do things that aren't supposed to be done.

I always like to watch comics and it's interesting that you can tell if someone's funny in 10 seconds.

It's personalities, it's conflict, it's all of these things that actually make performers interesting.

I really feel actors should try and do as much diverse work as possible to try and keep it interesting.

I just want to play interesting characters, and I want to work with the best directors I can work with.

Thus science may implement the ways in which man produces, stores, and consults the record of the race.

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