People expect a lot more from someone they think looks interesting. It's a burden.

There's no biography so interesting as the one in which the biographer is present.

Thank you for your input; I can tell you are struggling towards being interesting.

I usually find that the process of discovery is more interesting than the answers.

I love surfing more than cricket. It's more interesting and you meet great people.

I would really love to sit with Kathryn Hepburn because I find her so interesting.

I just won't sleep," I decided. There were so many other interesting things to do.

Like when I host a party. I hope my guests get along. But if not, how interesting!

My thing is, I like playing guys who have a really interesting internal monologue.

Everyone has motives. Let's acknowledge that and get on with the interesting part.

I find it really hard to say anything coherent or interesting about the work I do.

It works better if your lead character is complex and interesting and not perfect.

A true delineation of the smallest man is capable of interesting the greatest man.

The "we" voice is rare, and the communal impulse of the "we" is interesting to me.

The happiest people in this world are those who have the most interesting thoughts.

I believe it is the flaws that make us interesting, our backgrounds, the hardships.

Writers shouldn't have lives that are interesting. It gets in the way of your work.

Life has no plot. It is by far more interesting than anything you can say about it.

Certainly I find it most interesting to play a role that I can invent from nothing.

At Microsoft, the magic of software is used to take on very interesting challenges.

The more conflict and contrast you have with a character makes it more interesting.

Rick Rubin is interesting. He doesn't wear shoes, I think? No wait, he wears shoes.

I probably would have retired years ago if I hadn't found interesting things to do.

Lay hold of life with both hands, whenever thou mayest seize it, it is interesting.

But all years are stupid. It's only when they're over that they become interesting.

The Droid I had actually seemed to have free will, which I thought was interesting.

The mixture of weird textures and organic surfaces creates an interesting dialogue.

Generally speaking, everyone is more interesting doing nothing than doing anything.

Tools get socially interesting after they're no longer technologically interesting.

It's so interesting to me how songs take on a shape and body of their own and grow.

To become a lifelong reader, one has to do a lot of varied and interesting reading.

You know who would make an interesting murder-suicide? Madeline Albright and Yanni.

Our achievements may make us interesting, Tyler, but our darkness makes us lovable.

Id like to be in anything that tells a good story and has an interesting character.

You just try to be true to your idea of what is funny and what is also interesting.

I become more seasoned, it's less interesting to try and compete in the pop market.

An intellectual is a person who's found one thing that's more interesting than sex.

I find myself looking around for other new, interesting opportunities to dive into.

Dhanam' is one of the interesting scripts that I came across. It centers around me.

Beneath their surface differences, there are a lot of deep, underlying differences.

I just know what I go through, and I know how to speak on it in an interesting way.

Creating a role is an interesting thing - each show or each situation is different.

First-rate science fiction was, and remains, more interesting than second-rate art.

To die should be the most interesting journey of all the journeys a person can take.

Y'all take care of yourself now... strange and interesting friends are hard to find.

I've always been attracted to characters that were interesting to me, and different.

The tax code is now nine times longer than the Bible, and not nearly as interesting.

An interesting thing about New York City is that the subways run through the sewers.

It's always interesting to challenge yourself to say, 'Is this the best you can do?'

I thought this was pretty timely and it was pretty interesting [to film in Snowden].

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