Most of my friends are women. I think women are more interesting to talk to.

This is an interesting planet. It deserves all the attention you can give it.

I retain what's interesting to me, but I don't have a lot of strategic depth.

Thinking is more interesting than knowing, but less interesting than looking.

We're all going to die; I'm just trying to make it a little more interesting.

It's always an interesting sort of adventures that gets someone into a movie.

Find me a man who's interesting enough to have dinner with and I'll be happy.

I think my life is tremendously interesting, and surely, other people do too.

The people that were most interesting were always questioning the status quo.

Generally, the bigger the budget, the less interesting the characters become.

Is it the obligation of great art to be continually interesting? I think not.

There is nothing else anything like so interesting to ourselves as ourselves.

There is so much else in the world that is more interesting [ than monarchy].

Cats are more interesting, let's face it. Dogs are loveable and a bit boring.

If I am lucky and find material that is interesting to me, I want to make it.

Farmers are respectable and interesting to me in proportion as they are poor.

I think it's interesting to have a cool character not look so cool, you know?

For the world to be interesting, you have to be manipulating it all the time.

The day Henry made a choice... that some men are just too interesting to die.

Let me tell you, life is interesting regardless of when you are in the fight.

We are the subjects of an experiment which is not a little interesting to me.

It's been an interesting life. I feel like I'm 40 years old at the age of 16.

I now want to be playing parts more interesting to me and more exciting to me.

Anybody who cares less about wanting to be cool, I think, is more interesting.

It's not knowing how to write that makes you interesting, it's what you write.

As an actor, to play someone who's at war with himself, that's so interesting.

People at a point of conflict are always the most interesting stories to tell.

Schizophrenic language has in this sense an interesting resemblance to poetry.

And then what makes the work interesting is if you choose the right questions.

I do care about real life. It's just not as interesting as what's in my books.

The saxophone is a very interesting machine, but I'm more interested in music.

I wish you'd help me look into a more interesting problem - namely, my sanity.

Every person lives his real, most interesting life under the cover of secrecy.

People will be engaged in your work if it is good, interesting or challenging.

You have to be interested. If you're not interested, you can't be interesting.

There's nothing remotely interesting to me about marketing music as a product.

I make hats for lots of iconic people, and that makes my job very interesting.

All you have to do to make something interesting is to look at it long enough.

The only people who ever get anyplace interesting are the people who get lost.

Miracles are short-term solutions, it's wisdom that helps you go the distance.

It is interesting that the black BMW is the preferred car of so many assholes.

A show is going to be good and fun to work on, if the research is interesting.

The most interesting nerds are the ones who take offense to being called nerds.

When something comes up, and it's interesting, and I have the time, I'll do it.

The work is challenging, interesting and an important part of our legal system.

I find sadness and strife to be so much more interesting with an upbeat melody.

The key to having an interesting life is to always say "yes" to anything crazy.

I've been very fortunate to go from interesting chapter to interesting chapter.

I think the most interesting New Yorkers are the people who were not born here.

I don't know what I'm doing and it's the not knowing that makes it interesting.

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