It is the mark of a truly intelligent person to be moved by statistics.

I'd rather speak less because I don't consider myself a very intelligent person.

There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.

There is nothing funny about a well-adjusted, intelligent person making the right choices.

An intelligent person is never afraid or ashamed to find errors in his understanding of things.

It's a misconception that an intelligent person can't act and I want people to discard such notions.

An intelligent person feels guilty for downloading music without paying the musician, but they use this free-open-culture ideology to cover it.

Great art speaks a language which every intelligent person can understand. The people who call themselves modernists today speak a different language.

Every intelligent person, whether he's an artist or not - a mathematician, a doctor, a scientist - possesses a poetic way of seeing and describing the world.

Everyone thinks of me as some weird swamp trash pro wrestler, and that's okay - think what you want - but I'm an intelligent person, and I have my own views on the world.

You can be the most intelligent person, and you can have so much potential, but if you don't have a guide by which to channel that energy, then a lot of times, it's futile.

I've tried to become a more emotionally intelligent person through therapy and meditation, but I can't control the fact that some of the things written about me aren't true.

I'm not fighting to be treated like a dude. I don't want to be treated like a man. I want to be treated as a talented stunt-person, or I want to be treated as an intelligent person.

Jake 'The Snake,' getting the chance to talk to him all day and just picking his brain - you know, he has his demons, but he's an intelligent person, and he knows the business like no other.

Every educated and intelligent person glories in the freedom of women in Western societies to exercise their talents to the full and their freedom to walk safely in the streets of our great cities.

The obsession required to see a feature through from concept to release is not a rational thing to do with your brief time on this planet. Nor is it something to which an intelligent person should aspire.

If some people think it shows a feminine side to be in the theater, I've never felt that. And I'll openly say that an intelligent person who is a sensitive person will be and should be in touch with their inner female.

When I look at me, I think I'm a good catch. Why wouldn't somebody like me for me? I'm a pleasant person. I'm an intelligent person. I'm a good person. I'm not bad looking. Why wouldn't I be able to get somebody to like me?

Proust is a hero of mine. I read 'A la recherche' in one go, and I'm a very slow reader. It had an astonishing impact, reading it on my own and being my main company. I think Proust is the most intelligent person to ever have written a novel.

Try to imagine that you're the strongest, most noble, most thoughtful, most compassionate, intelligent person in the world, and pretend to be that. Speak from that place. It's more than self-awareness; it's the ability to access this super-intelligence.

The big lesson of Reagan is: To think that he was some sort of simple figurehead and didn't do the thinking and simply read a script in front of him woefully underestimates him. Ronald Reagan was an extremely intelligent person with a real V8 engine under his hood.

Every intelligent person whose life has been passed in a slaveholding State, and who has carefully observed the character and capacity of the African race, will see that a general and sudden emancipation would be absolute ruin to the Negroes, as well as to the white population.

Ted Cruz may be an intelligent person, but he doesn't carry out an intelligent debate. He oversimplifies, he exaggerates, and he basically led the Republican Party over the cliff in the fall of 2013. He has shown no qualifications, no legislation being passed, doesn't provide leadership, and he has no real experience.

When I was growing up, there were no women in orchestras. Auditioners thought they could tell the difference between a woman playing and a man. Some intelligent person devised a simple solution: Drop a curtain between the auditioners and the people trying out. And, lo and behold, women began to get jobs in symphony orchestras.

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