I can be arrogant, I can be insufferable.

We've been insufferable friends for years.

Indomitable in victory, insufferable in defeat.

Chicago fans are the most insufferable in all sports.

Success didn't spoil me, I've always been insufferable.

I must have been an insufferable child; all children are.

No one is more insufferable than he who lacks basic courtesy.

What renders other people's vanity insufferable is that it wounds our own.

No egoism is so insufferable as that of the Christian with regard to his soul.

I was a modest, good-humoured boy. It is Oxford that has made me insufferable.

I do not quote my own movies. I think I would be pretty insufferable if I did.

Only those faults which we encounter in ourselves are insufferable to us in others.

Warning: If you are insufferable, do not walk here. We shall eat you down to the marrow.

Entering a club is an insufferable two-way street and the patrons are just as guilty as the doormen.

Someone who is determinedly trying to show God how good he or she is is likely to become an insufferable prig.

Hypocrisy needs to be called out in American politics, and the absurd has reached the point where it is just insufferable.

I'm just as insufferable and useless as every other dad is. The dynamic never changes, no matter what you do for a living.

People say, 'Since you got rich and famous, you've become insufferable.' I say, 'That's not true. I've always been insufferable.'

Once in a century a man may be ruined or made insufferable by praise. But surely once in a minute something generous dies for want of it.

When I'm working, I'm insufferable because I get stuck with myself, and suddenly I become obsessive, thinking about how to make something better.

That's what makes me insufferable to be around, is that most of my life I have assumed that everyone wants to see me perform and do things all the time.

In general, writers who talk to their colleagues and neighbors constantly about their own writing seem to me pretty insufferable. I try not to be that guy.

I try and take lots of vitamins and I don't drink. I do smoke, though, I'd be insufferable if I didn't smoke, you'd have to push me off a balcony I'd be so boring.

I just realized at some point that I was hopelessly in love with the theater. I fought it for a long time because I thought theater was for, you know, insufferable actors.

I could never be the kind of writer who went to the set of the movie and fussed and fretted about, 'Oh, that dialogue's wrong,' or 'That character doesn't look like that.' That would be insufferable.

The insufferable arrogance of human beings to think that Nature was made solely for their benefit, as if it was conceivable that the sun had been set afire merely to ripen men's apples and head their cabbages.

From the very start, if there was a spotlight, I would step into it. My parents wondered what to do with this insufferable show-off. They chose acting for me, and I'm very grateful I can still make a living from it.

Long before the writer Gillian Flynn popularized the concept of the insufferable 'Cool Girl,' who doesn't exist except in men's fervent fantasies, Hugh Hefner dreamed her, undressed her, and put her in his magazine.

Puberty extends into your twenties, for sure, and some people don't get over that until much later in life. I feel like I'm just starting to get over puberty - basically twenty years of insufferable, totally self-obsessed hell.

I refuse for any person or organized group to dictate to me what God is. That is really the height of insufferable hubris. I believe in just immediately putting to death or just putting over the cliff people who assume they know about God.

Trump represented a movement of dissatisfaction, the dissent, unhappiness, division cultivated by years of identity politics and the bullying of arrogant, insufferable, intolerant social justice warriors who used the last two terms to punish anyone who reminded them of Daddy.

If your Facebook page has turned into a shrine to your relationship, pet, or newborn, no one will say anything, but all who are subjected to your news feed are totally annoyed. Super fans who turn their profiles into mausoleums dedicated to their teams are equally insufferable and one hundred times more pathetic.

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