Ask any mechanic; instructions were the things you read when all else failed.

There is no problem for which the instruction to love more is not the solution.

The best instruction is that which uses the least words sufficient for the task.

Poems tend to have instructions for how to read them embedded in their language.

Nature hath nothing made so base, but can read some instruction to the wisest man.

The instruction manual for my Motorola phone is bigger and heavier than the phone.

Rule 1: When all else fails, follow instructions. And Rule 2: Don't be an asshole.

I wanted a way to pass on all the gifts, all the instruction that I've been given.

Wise people listen to wise instruction, especially instruction from the Word of God.

By reason of weird translation, many such sets of instructions read like poems anyhow.

Sometimes I think people confuse rote learning with traditional conceptual instruction.

Create instructions or a visual diagram for something that normally wouldn't need them.

Where's your instruction manual?" I asked him. "What's the baby customer-service number?

I'm a partner in a company called Helicopter Services and Instruction out of New Jersey.

The effects of infantile instruction are, like those of syphilis, never completely cured.

The most important thing about Spaceship Earth - an instruction book didn't come with it.

Yes, instruction! Light! Light! Everything comes from light, and to everything it returns.

A disciple serves the spiritual master with the sole purpose of getting instructions from him.

Voles-tu, mon petit papillon.” Illium laughed at Galen’s instruction to “fly, little butterfly

Directions are instructions given to explain how. Direction is a vision offered to explain why.

Philanthropy is the principal social institution that provides instruction in voluntary service.

In many joyfully-admired recent novels, love appears as little more than sex-manual instruction.

The villany you teach me I shall execute; and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

No work of charity can be more productive of good to society than the careful instruction of women.

We should not seek to tune out the realists' whines or taunts, as they may provide good instruction.

The method of instruction in Scouting is that of creating in the boy the desire to learn for himself.

If the impulse to daring and bravery is too fierce and violent, stay it with guidance and instruction.

I often find myself in situations where it seems to me like everyone else has read the instruction book

Fables take off from the severity of instruction, and enforce it at the same time that they conceal it.

Even with multiple instruction books, maneuvering the maze of the tax code is costly and time-consuming.

The one infallible sign that a spiritual teacher is a fraud is that he charges money for his instruction.

The disciples obey because that's what people do when someone rises from the dead and gives instructions.

Education demands, then, only this: the utilization of the inner powers of the child for his own instruction.

Some people think we're adrift without any guidelines. I don't. I think we've had instruction on how to live.

Kids don't come with an instruction manual. So if you're gonna make mistakes, at least make them your own way.

When you see a good horseman, you're unable to tell where the instruction is coming from. It's like telepathy.

It is not often that any man can have so much knowledge of another, as is necessary to make instruction useful.

[Children] receive direct instruction from time to time about the appropriateness of various social comparisons

I would rather write for the instruction, or even the amusement of the poor than for the amusement of the rich.

When you have good ingredients, cooking doesn't require a lot of instruction because you can never go very wrong.

Instruction does not prevent wasted time or mistakes; and mistakes themselves are often the best teachers of all.

The more complex the problems of the Nation become, the greater is the need for more and more advanced instruction.

In a polite age almost every person becomes a reader, and receives more instruction from the Press than the Pulpit.

Education is one thing and instruction, however worthy, necessary and incidentally or monetarily educative, another.

In order to do good, a man must be good; and he will not be good except he have instruction by counsel and by example.

I have issued instructions that while handling the situation in Upper Assam innocent civilians should not be harassed.

Instruction ends in the schoolroom, but education ends only with life. A child is given to the universe to be educated.

All machinery is derived from nature, and is founded on the teaching and instruction of the revolution of the firmament.

We do not understand and then obey: that is instruction. We obey by faith, and then we understand: that is illumination.

Nothing is more certain than much of the force; as well as grace, of arguments or instructions depends their conciseness.

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