Adventure is the champagne of life.

Never argue, repeat your assertion.

The best ideas are common property.

a setback is a setup for a comeback

Manners are love in a cool climate.

Indecision is the seedling of fear.

Choose your love; love your choice.

The sun shines not on us but in us.

Get busy living, or get busy dying.

When we are not sure, we are alive.

Individuality is founded in feeling

Ignorance is not innocence but sin.

The world belongs to the energetic.

Health is worth more than learning.

I am a part of all that I have met.

No one is guaranteed a job in this.

Honor does not have to be defended.

They'll never be able to forget us.

The world was hers for the reading.

Writing is both mask and unveiling.

Imagination is the eye of the soul.

Controlled time is our true wealth.

Love what you do; Do what you love.

Love is a bird... she needs to fly.

To fear retirement is to fear life.

Many can argue - not many converse.

God's delays are not God's denials.

No two people have the same reality

Every man loves what he is good at.

The only journey is the one within.

Youth comes but once in a lifetime.

Think and wonder, wonder and think.

He who loves his work never labors.

Make me an instrument of thy peace.

The mantra I used was 'find a way.'

Be more grateful, and less worried.

Well done is better than well said.

The best beauty secret is sunblock.

Do not speak defeat, speak victory.

Our visions begin with our desires.

When reason fails, the devil helps!

Rule your mind or it will rule you.

Skills make you rich, not theories.

Everyone of us has a heaven inside.

It takes two flints to make a fire.

Dreams are the reality of tomorrow.

None of us is a smart as all of us.

The best way out is always through.

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

Good things come to those who wait.

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