Hans Zimmer and I considered 'Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows' to be a steampunk genre; our inspiration came from Sherlock's own travels.

The greatest mistake is in not being aware that others are Christ. There are very many people who will not discover it until their last day.

I have been very influenced by the director Maurice Pialat, who I continue to be in conversation and conflict with and get inspiration from.

We're taught to be ashamed of confusion, anger, fear and sadness, and to me they're of equal value to happiness, excitement and inspiration.

I asked my wife where she wanted to go for our anniversary. 'Somewhere I haven't been in a long time!' she said. So I suggested the kitchen.

As far as current inspiration, I'm listenting to a lot of flamenco, because the techniques used for flamenco can be adapted to playing bass.

The only character I ever remember actually creating in a flash of inspiration was George Liquor. God planted that in my head in an instant.

True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity, before it is entitled to the appellation.

My role [as a war correspondent] is to bring a voice to people who are voiceless [and] to shine a light in the darkest corners of the world.

The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.

Be around people who can keep your energy and inspiration high. While you can make progress alone, it's so much easier when you have support.

Your job as a leader is to try to inspire them to do more work than they've ever done in their life under conditions that they can't imagine.

Everybody's got a worldview. Everybody's betting their life on something. ... You just better know why you're betting what you're betting on.

I am still attracted to stories about people who are considered to be on the outside of society. I still seek inspiration from those stories.

I think that's the important thing - being aware of that inspiration and being able to interpret it into something that's meaningful for you.

A cat's New Year dream is mostly a bird! Don't be like a cat; in New Year Dream something that you have never dreamed! Target for new things.

That is a question we cannot answer before, or even during, the trials. Only when we have overcome them do we understand why they were there.

The environment becomes inspiration. My response to it becomes idea. And idea becomes purpose and action through interpretation and painting.

She would be a new person, she vowed. They said no matter how far a mule travels it can never come back a horse, but she would show them all.

I've been very fortunate to work for great people - so even when the political process gets ugly, I find inspiration in the people around me.

If you practice the holy exercise of Spiritual Communion a good many times each day, within a month you will see yourself completely changed.

You know that the world is a better place when people can come up to a severely disabled person and say: 'Well done. You are an inspiration.'

A true leader always keeps an element of surprise up his sleeve, which others cannot grasp but which keeps his public excited and breathless.

Leaders get out in front and stay there by raising the standards by which they judge themselves - and by which they are willing to be judged.

The fact that so little of the findings of modern science is prefigured in Scripture to my mind casts further doubt on it divine inspiration.

I don't have any style icons, but I get inspiration from my friends. My style motto is that it is better to be overdressed than underdressed.

The family is the great catechism God has given the world. The work of our lifetime is to learn how to read it and then study it prayerfully.

The main characteristics of romantic love are craving: an intense craving to be with a particular person, not just sexually, but emotionally.

I kind of got inspired by [William] Wordsworth and [Samuel Taylor] Coleridge - I went the old traditional way of finding inspiration, I guess.

It's tens of millions of calculations just to design one connection between a piece of structural steel and another piece of structural steel.

That's universal - we all want to bring every good thing to our children. But what's not universal is our ability to provide every good thing.

I'm more American than anything else. I grew up in China, but I was fulfilled at a young age by American music. It was my biggest inspiration.

Chef Thomas Keller was an inspiration to me and many, many young cooks like me. He told us that the role of the new, modern chef is different.

Today, the average Korean works a thousand hours more a year than the average German. A thousand. ... That is the end of the Great Divergence.

Nothing seems tiresome or painful when you are working for a Master who pays well; who rewards even a cup of cold water given for love of Him.

I am very interested in human-interest stories emerging from modern India. I get my inspiration and daily dose by reading the Hindustan Times.

I was big into grunge, like Nirvana and Hole, when I was younger, which has been a really huge inspiration because of its rawness and honesty.

I was honored to spend time with the President on an issue that is clearly important to him. I was also impressed by his wide receiver skills.

And if the Son has set us free Then we must be, free indeed Let the chains fall away, starting today. Everything has changed I'm finally free.

We, all of us, are what happens when a primordial mixture of hydrogen and helium evolves for so long that it begins to ask where it came from.

It is not for us to judge those who might be confused or who have not the strength to change. What they need is our understanding and support.

I love to experiment with fashion. A lot of my inspiration comes from my mom. She is fearless with fashion! I love colors and anything daring.

If you ever go bar hopping, who do you want to take with you? You want a slightly uglier version of yourself. Similar ... but slightly uglier.

All other species on this planet are gene machines only. They don't imitate at all well; we alone are gene machines and meme machines as well.

Observing life, living through it. As you experience life some events call upon you to suffer through them and that's what brings inspiration.

Music has always been a matter of energy to me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it Inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel.

There's nothing like a little fear or hunger to motivate one's inspiration. To take that away from a young artist can offer quite a disservice.

I don't get my inspiration from a specific source. It's more like if you listen to a good tune, it gives me inspiration to write a better tune.

Those who have no record of what their forebears have accomplished lose the inspiration which comes from the teaching of biography and history.

Any composer who is gloriously conscious that he is a composer must believe that he receives his inspiration from a source higher than himself.

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