Budget: a way of going broke methodically

Fences are made for those who cannot fly.

When inspiration dies, imitation thrives.

It only seems impossible until it's done.

All statutes to the contrary are revoked.

When I want to read a novel, I write one.

Babyface is definitely a big inspiration.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

Better a broken promise than none at all.

Compassion is the radicalism of our time.

Only those who find life, find treasures.

...music is the living God in our bosoms.

Inspiration is the opportunity of genius.

Discipline is the servant of inspiration.

A healthy outside starts from the inside.

Discouragement itself is a form of pride.

My dad is my biggest musical inspiration.

Surround yourself with love, not friends.

Inspiration and genius -one and the same.

The ultimate inspiration is the deadline.

I'm no longer willing to let myself down.

I like the inspiration of the first take.

Map out your future, but do it in pencil.

Ye stars! which are the poetry of heaven!

We are like the birds. We adapt. We sing.

Chop your own path. Get off the car track

Meditation applies the brakes to the mind.

Nothing is to be clung to as I, me or mine

Making mistakes is a way of taking action.

We give advice, we do not inspire conduct.

Inspiration comes from the act of writing.

Go pump some neurons. Expand your craniums

We are only syllables of the perfect Word.

For me, love is happiness and inspiration.

He also knows the importance of intuition.

Let us be servants in order to be leaders.

It is not about knowing, but about living.

He accepts his Personal Legend completely.

I take random inspiration from everywhere.

We all harbour a great sadness in our soul

You can never plan the future by the past.

Your body hears everything your mind says.

The universe is going to help the Warrior.

I'm writing an unauthorized autobiography.

Without action, you aren't going anywhere.

Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.

Aren't most of you descended from pirates?

When you cease to dream you cease to live.

The longest journey is the journey inward.

Life has no blessing like a prudent friend.

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