The primary skill of a manager consists of knowing how to make assignments and picking the right people to carry out those assignments

Secrets can remind us of the countless human dramas, of frailty and heroism playing out silently in the lives of people all around us.

If China and India were as rich as the United States is today, the market for cancer drugs would be eight times larger than it is now.

One girl was the inspiration for me singing 'Cry Me A River' on 'The X Factor.' That was my payback to her because she was unfaithful.

The Christians are right: it is Pride which has been the chief cause of misery in every nation and every family since the world began.

When someone wants something then they should be aware that they are taking a risk. But this is precisely what makes life interesting.

For me, songwriting is something that I have to do ritually. I don't just wait for inspiration; I try to write a little bit every day.

I have three kids. I was blessed with very supportive parents and some close friends, and the people closest to me are my inspiration.

That is why he is a Warrior of the Light, because he has been through all this and yet has never lost hope of being better than he is.

Inspiration leads to invention. Tenacity is the breeding ground for inspiration. There can be no invention in the absence of tenacity.

If I get ideas independently of the act of writing, they never really fit. So for me, there's no hanging out, waiting for inspiration.

There is no need to be dismayed if love sometimes follows torturous ways. Grace has the power to make straight the paths of human love.

Do those people who hold up the Bible as an inspiration to moral rectitude have the slightest notion of what is actually written in it?

That's where you have to look for your inspiration. Don't separate the rest of your life - who you are, what you love - from your work.

Despite his dodgy politics, Yeats remains an inspiration for his genius and the simple fact that the older he got, the better he wrote.

Warren Buffet told me once and he said always follow your gut. When you have that gut feeling, you have to go with don't go back on it.

The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.

Holiness grows so fast where there is kindness. The world is lost for want of sweetness and kindness. Do not forget we need each other.

Inspiration more often comes during the work than before it, because the largest part of the job of an artist is to listen to the work.

When I think of that dear rugged cross where the dear Saviour gave his all... When I feel like I'm on my last go round, see me through.

I wrote poetry before I wrote songs, and T.S. Eliot was my inspiration. I love his honesty and try to bring that to my own songwriting.

No man can teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ under the inspiration of the living God and with power from on high unless he is living it.

We must be steady enough in ourselves, to be open and to let the winds of life blow through us, to be our breath, our inspiration . . .

There is something that is much more scarce, something finer far, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize ability.

You cannot talk about race without talking about privilege. And when people start talking about privilege, they get paralyzed by shame.

Broch is an inspiration to us, not only because of what he accomplished, but also because of all that he aimed at and could not attain.

I was brought here [New Orleans] for a reason. I feel like I can make a tremendous impact, not only with the team but in the community.

A sum can be put right: but only by going back till you find the error and working it afresh from that point, never by simply going on.

Inspiration can come from anywhere - an image, a comment, something that's happened to me or someone I know. It's hard to know exactly.

The exterior cannot do without the interior since it is from this, as from life, that it derives much of its inspiration and character.

I have to keep inspiration close to me. I'm always on YouTube looking at the greats or anything that can give me the spark that I need.

If it were considered desirable to destroy a human being, the only thing necessary would be to give his work a character of uselessness

I want to be remembered as an artist who was really passionate about his work. And as an inspiration. I do what I do to inspire people.

Integrate what you believe in every single area of your life. Take your heart to work and ask the most and best of everybody else, too.

I know that a lot of people take inspiration from the fact that I was just a common man with no film background who turned into a star.

There is a language that is beyond words. If I can learn to decipher that language without words, I will be able to decipher the world.

I took inspiration from 'Fountainhead,' the way in which Ayn Rand conveyed her political philosophy through an immensely popular novel.

Artists know that diligence counts as much, if not more, as inspiration; in art, as in politics, patience counts as much as revolution.

You always know when a real inspiration is behind the melody, arrangements, even lyrics. And I know that's really vague, but it's true.

Writing is done by someone. It is not, like some mythical goddess, a skill that springs forth, full grown from the genes of inspiration.

Kendrick was a real big inspiration for me. I seen him when I was younger... 'Rigamortis' was out... maybe I was 14... I rapped for him.

I feel like in a world where we all try to figure out our place and our purpose here, your passions are one of your most obvious guides.

I always look for inspiration. If I find something that's inspiring, I'm so excited because it is very hard to find something inspiring.

I maintain couchsurfing and crowdsurfing are basically the same thing — you're falling into the audience and you're trusting each other.

If we could convert 0.03 percent of the sunlight that falls on the earth into energy, we could meet all of our projected needs for 2030.

What will be the crown of those who, humble within and humiliated without, have imitated the humility of our Savior in all its fullness!

[For constructive conflict,] we have to resist the neurobiological drive which means that we really prefer people mostly like ourselves.

Security is elusive. It's impossible. We all die. We all get old. We all get sick. People leave us. People change us. Nothing is secure.

I take the outline from a real person as inspiration, but the in-line is totally made up. Which is why I usually invent imaginary names.

My fear, as an American, is that our own actions are going to contribute to an inspiration for terrorists to want to harm us or kill us.

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