I'm going to show you all how easy it is to manipulate the human mind once you know how.

We're finding [texting] 11 times more powerful than email [for communicating with kids].

Inspiration comes from everywhere always. But it's strongest in love and in its absence.

Oh, will you pray? Stop now and pray, lest desire turn to feeling and feeling evaporate.

Feeling and longing are the motive forces behind all human endeavor and human creations.

Any band on their first couple records is just trying to keep up with their inspiration.

There's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st But in his motion like an angel sings.

Excellence isn't achieved without inspiration and perspiration. You've got to have both.

Hiring someone to write your autobiography is like hiring someone to take a bath for you

We would be happier with what we have if we weren't so unhappy about what we don't' have

Any band on their first couple records is just trying to keep up with their inspiration.

The great blessing of life is the existence of tomorrows - and having dreams to realize.

Capitalism, perhaps at its most remorseless, is a physical manifestation of psychopathy.

Fear is ... a kind of unintentional storytelling that we are all born knowing how to do.

Golf is to me what his Sabine farm was to the poet Horace - a solace and an inspiration.

Even in the most purely logical realms, it is insight that first arrives at what is new.

The only way to know how customers see your business is to look at it through their eyes

Try to be inspired by something every day. Try to inspire at least one person every day.

Learn to... be what you are, and learn to resign with a good grace all that you are not.

A society is in decay, final or transitional, when common sense really becomes uncommon.

If what's inside your dreams wasn't already real inside you, you couldn't even dream it.

Thirty-three percent of all of our regrets pertain to decisions we made about education.

HIV brings out the best and the worst in humanity, and the laws reflect these attitudes.

My decision to start a new one is just that, a decision, since I never get inspirations.

Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all.

Finding something important in life does not mean that you must give up everything else.

I regretted the time I wasted on things that did not matter with people that [do] matter.

I go to somewhere I haven't been and just watch people and colors. That's my inspiration.

All suffering goes just as it came. So it is with the glories and tragedies of the world.

Wealth is not to feed our egos but to feed the hungry and to help people help themselves.

We must study things we will never use, but which someone told us were important to know.

Directing, I get all kinds of inspiration. It's working with people. It's a lot more fun.

Be human in this most inhuman of ages; guard the image of man for it is the image of God.

We are now on the threshold of a newer movement, with a newer hope and a new inspiration.

It is much easier to do something than to trust in God; we mistake panic for inspiration.

All of the great Disney works took works that were in the public domain and remixed them.

We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours.

The brave man is an inspiration to the weak, and compels them, as it were, to follow him.

A man never reaches that dizzy height of wisdom when he can no longer be led by the nose.

From a design perspective, the U.S. has always been a great source of inspiration for me.

He's so full of alcohol, if you put a lighted wick in his mouth he'd burn for three days.

You can lose when you outscore somebody in a game, and you can win when you're outscored.

If a woman can go to the beach and wear nothing, then why can't she also wear everything?

There wasn't a better teacher or mentor out there than Reggie White, on or off the field.

The search can be as interesting as the fear you feel, as long as you overcome that fear.

The time to pray is not when we are in a tight spot but just as soon as we get out of it.

Ever since time began, people have recognized their true Love by the light in their eyes.

The past couple years training with Kurt have really brought inspiration into my skating.

The big difference between human happiness and sadness? Thirty-seven freakin' vibrations.

Ten men in our country could buy the whole world and ten million can't buy enough to eat.

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