Generally speaking, it is inhumane to detain a fleeting insight.

The more insight I get, the more scared I get of women in general.

Outsiders often have an insight that an insider doesn't quite have.

Real genius of moral insight is a motor which will start any engine.

Great insight comes from seeing something as odd and finding out why.

Re-investing in one's own little moments of insight is very important.

I like reading novels because it provides insight into human behavior.

You cannot defect form an insight. You cannot unsee what you have seen.

I've always written in first person. It gives the readers more insight.

Deep insight will always, like Nature, ultimate its thought in a thing.

Every original poet has a new insight, or rather introduces a new power.

Come on. I don't have any problem violating my own insights in practice.

Zen insight is not our awareness, but Being's awareness of itself in us.

Man relates to material things through direct insight rather than reason.

A moment of insight from God is worth more than a lifetime of experience.

I think children have talent and insight, but it gets beaten out of them.

Master of the universe is every man's potential insight, cosmic potential.

Insight, untested and unsupported, is an uncertain guarantee of the truth.

Instead of insight, maybe all a man gets is strength to wander for a while.

Objectivity is a subject's delusion that observing can be done without him.

Change will lead to insight far more often than insight will lead to change.

Insight is not a matter of memory, of knowledge and time, which are all thought.

The only way to win is to work, work, work, work, and hope to have a few insights

Without wonder and insight, acting is just a trade. With it, it becomes creation.

Are you and I perchance caught up in a dream from which we have not yet awakened?

The man with insight enough to admit his limitations comes nearest to perfection.

The quest for the truth, in and of itself, Is a story that's filled with insights.

The greatest of all insights is that we cannot be tomorrow what we do not do today.

Without memory there can be no insight. Without love, there can be no appreciation.

What we already know frames what we see, and what we see frames what we understand.

Develop your reflective will and gain better insight before you say or do something.

When you begin to see that your enemy is suffering, that is the beginning of insight.

Real acting is about giving people an insight into a person, letting the audience in.

In dialogue, individuals gain insights that simply could not be achieved individually.

I like to tell my own story using my personality and my insight, the way I see things.

I desire a greatness of soul, an irradiance of mind, a deeper insight, a broader hope.

The main insight learned from interdisciplinary studies is the return to specialization

Good leaders make sense of change in the world... then imparts that insight to the team.

To make any endeavor truly successful, integrity, inspiration, and insight are integral.

... the true seeing is within; and painting stares at you with an insistent imperfection.

A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding.

Humor brings insight and tolerance. Irony brings a deeper and less friendly understanding.

History gives you insight of the same quality of truth as poetry or philosophy or a novel.

Truthfulness itself is almost medication, even when it’s served without advice or insight.

Mark Twain gave us an insight into the life on the Mississippi at the turn of the century.

Our searches for numerical order lead as often to terminal nuttiness as to profound insight.

It was a privilege to meet Rev. Jackson, and I learned a tremendous amount from his insight.

I come from a Christian faith. I am not going to give you insight into my particular beliefs.

This is the real power of habit: the insight that your habits are what you choose them to be.

You cannot understand what a person is saying unless you understand who they are arguing with.

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