There comes a point in your life when you become stark raving insane, commit suicide or become a mystic.

But the fact that same-sex marriage is still an issue is insane. Thinking love knows a sex is ridiculous.

I think there was no other profession for me. I was either going into an insane asylum or to be an actor.

Who says I'm insane?" "Oh you're sane alright. You're so sane, you scare me. You're so sane, it's insane.

Mussolini once said that saints are insane people. What about those who believe in saints? Are they sane?

In general in New York, we all eat like kings. Insane quality, mind-blowing variety, at all price ranges.

My dad has sacrificed so much for me and my family, so for me to be getting the star treatment is insane.

When you've got insane drums and a lot of guitar, it's really hard to mix the vocals, to mix it all well.

Acid gave me a clinical, unblinking look at madness, and I discovered I wasn't brave enough to be insane.

Life is absolutely insane. Yes, life is insane but the great wisdom lies in choosing your insanity wisely.

I'm hypoglycemic, so if I don't eat I start to get really blood-sugar crazy. I feel like I'm going insane.

The only difference between the sane and the insane is that the sane have the power to lock up the insane.

I'm not about to go out and buy a snake for a pet. I mean, I may have faced a few fears but I'm not insane.

The Internet has a lot of solutions. I found an insane way to trap chipmunks - it was too crazy not to try.

It's really mind-boggling to me when I think about where I started and where I am now. It's kind of insane.

I had the insane misconception that I was ready to conquer the known universe with Tähtivaeltaja. No mercy!

PROCTOR--he knows it is insane: No, it is not the same! What others say and what i sign to is not the same!

The culture of celebrity has become insane. It's all based on fantasy, and I find it creepy and disturbing.

Only, as long as we're going insane we may as well go the whole way. A mere shred of sanity is of no value.

The Subject has really blue eyes that twinkle when he looks at someone like she's maybe a little bit insane.

Given my heritage and the ordeal of my childhood, I sometimes wonder why I myself am not insane. Maybe I am.

I feel it has become increasingly competitive. There are some insane cut-offs to get into a lot of colleges.

Work is my norm. I have mad energy, insane energy, a kind of stamina in terms of work that's a little crazy.

Anyone who dials a phone while driving is flirting with death. And anyone who texts while driving is insane.

I have these long nails, but I literally do nothing to them! The thought of filing my nails drives me insane.

All I have learned about horses is that they are beautiful overrated creatures and are all born quite insane.

If I just did music, I might go insane. I need words; I need stories. And it's the same the other way around.

I don't know what the switch is from being insane to sane. It could be a number of things, what I eat, drink.

He said, "I am a man," and that meant certain things to Juana. It meant that he was half insane and half god.

Many people think it's in bad taste to advertise for an insane asylum... but come on down. We're going crazy.

I've got stuff about airline mergers, which just shows that my stand-up is getting more insane by the minute.

Sometimes I introduce myself to people, and their reaction reminds me that it's insane that my name is Beanie.

Whether your beliefs are true or totally insane, if you accept them, then that's what your life will be about.

New York has a trip-hammer vitality which drives you insane with restlessness if you have no inner stabilizer.

The detail that goes into couture stuff is insane. Everything is handmade - every sequin, every double stitch.

I'm very much in favor of vaccinations, and I've been very vocal about that because it's insane to forgo this.

Not being published would be great. When I say that to other writers they look at me as if I'm totally insane.

It is possible for the devil to inhabit animals the same way he inhabits humans and that causes a sin of lust.

Not everything Jace did was insane and suicidal, she reminded herself. It just seemed that way. -Clary, pg.46-

Solo artists are generally totally insane. Elton John? Slightly eccentric. George Michael? He's mad as custard.

The funny thing about insane people is that it is kind of the opposite of being a celebrity. Nobody envies you.

All sin is a form of insanity. Satan is the most insane being of all because he still believes he can defeat God

I don't believe in competitions between artists. This is insane. Who has the authority to say someone is better?

'Crazy' is a term of art; 'Insane' is a term of law. Remember that, and you will save yourself a lot of trouble.

Policing of the disabled and how many deaf people get shot by cops is sort of insane. And it's not talked about.

There’s nothing that makes you more insane than family. Or more happy. Or more exasperated. Or more . . . secure.

I'll just ask now: What is it about my persona that draws every insane, power-hungry nutcase to me like a magnet?

I think my brain just has a natural way of going to what would be the most insane thing, the least likely option.

In the world of minor lunacy the behaviour of both the utterly rational and the totally insane seems equally odd.

If I make 140, I sacrifice a lot of things in my life: my diet, my training, my thyroid. It's insane to make 140.

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