Progress is the injustice each generation commits with regard to its predecessors.

In the end, madness is worse than injustice, and justice far sweeter than freedom.

The only living socities are those which are animated by inequality and injustice.

Injustice anywhere is an assault on all of us. That means that we all can get busy.

I don't think I am doing any injustice to my fans by not being accessible socially.

I guess the only time most people think about injustice is when it happens to them.

Of all things I find most unbearable is the injustice of one generation to another.

If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine.

It is not possible to found a lasting power upon injustice, perjury, and treachery.

My Scottish Labour Party is a crusade - to fight poverty, inequality and injustice.

Government is nothing but the regulated injustice that every rascal has in his heart.

My father is from Mississippi, and I heard stories of racial injustice my whole life.

‎It is a cruel injustice to tell a bootless man to pull himself up by his bootstraps.

The Bible is replete with commands to persevere, especially in the face of injustice.

There must always be a remedy for wrong and injustice if we only know how to find it.

I certainly feel injustice. I'm no foreigner to that, whether it's real or perceived.

I'm always wanting and willing to be a voice for my people, a voice for the injustice.

The King can do no wrong; he cannot constitutionally be supposed capable of injustice.

I hate injustice, I despise inequity, I condemn hypocrisy, I abhor the lack of reason.

The credit reporting system suffers from inaccuracy and often from outright injustice.

The bad man desires arbitrary power. What moves the evil man is the love of injustice.

All History is current; all injustice continues on some level, somewhere in the world.

Let us start with the biggest no brainer of injustice in the world and that is slavery.

There is a naive belief that injustice only had to be pointed out in order to be cured.

An injustice is tolerable only when it is necessary to avoid an even greater injustice.

When one has been threatened with a great injustice, one accepts a smaller as a favour.

Segregation is the adultery of an illicit intercourse between injustice and immorality.

A perpetually new and lively world, but a dangerous one, full of tragedy and injustice.

Love conquers all - love is the grace that transcends any kind of injustice in the end.

To support whatever is right, and to bring in justice where weve had so much injustice.

I worked up a daily fury about some economic injustice because there were so many of them.

It would have cost me more trouble to escape from injustice, than it does to submit to it.

I seek … the means to fight injustice. To turn fear against those who prey on the fearful.

... but it is human to be outraged by injustice, even to the point of courting destruction!

Injustice results as much from treating unequals equally as from treating equals unequally.

Government is an institution which prevents injustice other than such as it commits itself.

How can you ask someone to live in the world and not have something to say about injustice?

If I see any injustice done, I have a big enough mouth and the position to open up about it.

Prejudice is a form of untruthfulness, and untruthfulness is an insidious form of injustice.

Those who are repeatedly passive in the face of injustice soon find their character corroded.

Current education policy is not in the interests of women. An injustice is being perpetrated.

My life has been varied, involving many jobs, but I have always been impatient with injustice.

Her impulse, her need, to be the corrector of injustices, warden of the downtrodden flock. And

Justice is my being allowed to do whatever I like. Injustice is whatever prevents my doing so.

We crime novelists have a great pulpit. We write about justice and about correcting injustice.

You find that the injustice that created a wound is no longer true, right now, in this moment.

There is no greater injustice than to wring your profits from the sweat of another man's brow.

I love Jesus Christ. I am a Christian... I cry when I see injustice, children dying of hunger.

Every time a person sacrifices himself for a larger injustice, it aids in the cycle of change.

At 21, I discovered repression and injustice. The army would shoot students with real bullets.

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