I'm scared of injections and needles.

Injections are the best thing ever invented for feeding doctors.

But I'm just having fun playing and giving Botox injections to the older songs.

Every six months I fly to Dallas to get botox and I also get collagen injections.

Twice a week I would receive injections or IV's of Factor VIII which clotted the blood and then broke it down.

I've never had anything done on my face. I've never had dermabrasion or peels or injections of any kind, nothing.

And at West Ham no one gives you a puzzled look if you get called up for your national team and players are never asked to play on injections.

Twenty-two million cases of hepatitis B are spread every year because of the reuse of syringes. The WHO says one in two injections given is unsafe.

IVF is a wonderful thing. One has to ignore the injections as the reality is that nobody is going to invent a pill that you can take to get a baby.

L.A. fashion is like lip injections. That confuses me. That's become not just a thing. It's become fashion, part of your outfit. But hey, to each his own.

The main reason I quit was my lower back. I've had problems for a few years. It was affecting my movement and power. I had to have various injections and procedures.

Yeah, some kids called me fish lips because I had these really full lips. Now I'm sure all those same girls are getting collagen injections, so I'm having the last laugh.

I have tried Botox, and I don't like it because it stops you being able to move your facial muscles which, as an actress, are essential. But I do have collagen injections.

I definitely was a big puncher early on in my career, and I used to load up with my left hand. Then, towards the end of my career, I had hand problems and needed injections in my hands for the pain.

These subsidies from four European governments, which include aircraft launch assistance, capital injections, debt forgiveness, have enabled Airbus to develop and range market airliners well below cost.

After a performance at Hosadurga, I was struggling with severe gastroenteritis, for which I took multiple injections to ease the pain. But when it wouldn't abate, I got hospitalized, and that is when the heart issues were found out.

The problem with cosmetic surgery is that people who have it can only see how they look in the mirror. They don't realise how weird they look from other angles. I particularly hate the injections that puff out the face, which are hideous.

I had to find a diet that would kick me back into dating shape, because I know that I can't date at size 8. I have to date at size 2. And it's just a fact of nature. Go get your injections and your chemical peels. You gotta look good to attract a man.

A lot of people say I am using all the procedures for my face. I didn't do anything. I live a healthy life; I take care of my skin and my body. I'm against Botox. I'm against injections; I think it's damaging your face, damaging your nerves. It's all me. I will age gracefully, as my mom does.

I have two cousins with juvenile diabetes. They both contracted the disease before the age of 5, and it was so heartbreaking watching them go through daily blood tests and injections. It is such a difficult disease to live with and requires constant attention; a tough thing to explain to a child.

If you're black and have leukemia, the chances of finding a donor are drastically reduced. I added my name to the register, and lo and behold, six months later, I was asked to donate. I had a week of 'conditioning' where I had to take these pills and injections to create new stem cells in my body.

I don't do any microdermabrasion or any type of injections in my skin because I think that's really just temporary. And if the nerve system is damaged... I know some women who thought they would look much more beautiful if they had something done, and then their lives were destroyed because of that.

This is such a different time, and we are such a different-sized magazine. And yes, today the average reader is older, but we have a wide span of ages. You can enter 'Allure' as a 14-year-old and read about acne, and then in your 60s you can read about face lifts and injections and everything in between.

Aggregate aid is to the Ethiopian economy what Obama's fiscal stimulus was to the American economy: minus these injections, both economies would suffer catastrophically. The theatrical blustering of the Ethiopian government notwithstanding, donor countries have a make-or-break power over the Ethiopia's prosperity.

One of the things I miss most is that I can no longer read, due to age-related macular degeneration. I get regular injections for this, and thankfully these seem to have arrested its progress, but it's still very difficult for me to read. That means it is hard for me to pick up my Bible and read it like I used to, and I miss that very much.

I was born three weeks early, and I kept being ill. From the age of zero to four, I was always in hospital having tests done, but they couldn't find out what was wrong. They discovered that one of my kidneys wasn't working properly, and it had scarred. I had to have 32 injections in my arm in the morning and evening to try and make me better.

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