The B Team can catalyse initiatives.

Most nanny-state initiatives begin on a local level.

Believe in individual initiatives, in courage, in risk.

We don't need a lot of initiatives for women in film; what we need is money.

I did not know many of the details relevant to the Iran and contra initiatives.

It is rather unusual for Italy to be at the forefront of pro-market initiatives.

We must develop knowledge optimization initiatives to leverage our key learnings.

We will leverage technology to collaborate with the government in its e-governance initiatives.

It is important to nurture any new ideas and initiatives which can make a difference for Africa.

Whatever initiatives we launch, we must always put the interests of Singaporeans and Singapore first.

We should all be allies to ideas or people or initiatives that we don't necessarily have a real knowledge in.

I believe in carbon offset initiatives, in eco-villages, in the sustainable regeneration of the tropical rainforest.

There's massive government initiatives going around the world, and you see that there's a real enthusiasm for genetics.

We want to see companies making a good faith effort and putting some tangible initiatives behind their pledge for diversity.

Big businesses can help by engaging aspiring entrepreneurs and promoting initiatives which support small businesses from within.

Clinton's successor in the White House, George W. Bush, was committed to expanding government spending for faith-based initiatives.

When I was growing up, I was regularly involved in local activities such as food collections, food kitchens, and other initiatives.

No one's interested really in knowing what policies or diplomatic initiatives or arms negotiations might have been compromised by me.

One of President Reagan's first and wisest initiatives was to effectively shutdown the anti-trust division of the Justice Department.

Ukraine has been a strong partner to the United States on international initiatives and a committed ally in fighting the War on Terrorism.

No matter what policy initiatives we take on, we are going to need a permanent repository for nuclear fuel based on the law and sound science.

Social media teams can and do launch clever campaigns, but game-changing Social Business initiatives are typically driven by management teams.

U.A.E.'s continuously growing initiatives in the field of charitable and humanitarian works became a basic component of our foreign activities.

I'm very upset that the Supreme Court ruled that citizens don't have standing to challenge the faith based initiatives on constitutional grounds.

I cannot thank Don DeDonatis enough for his leadership of USSSA, his stewardship of our business initiatives, and his friendship to me over the years.

Amazing how the White House, celebrities and gun control groups happen to repeatedly push for new initiatives in an organized fashion at the same time.

We know that solving homelessness has to be about more than simply introducing a new raft of government initiatives, task forces and top-down solutions.

Our frequent initiatives to normalise relations with Pakistan are not a sign of our weakness; rather, they are an indication of our commitment to peace.

We're fighting for community energy initiatives, warmer homes and crucial flood defences - and fiercely opposing the Government's assault on renewables.

While 2015 was challenging, we implemented many strategic and operational initiatives to improve our business and better position J.Crew for the future.

I want to leave Accenture better than I found it. I am focused on investing our people, our community and effective diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Whether it be a matter of personal relations within a marriage or political initiatives within a peace process, there is no sure-fire do-it-yourself kit.

It is no coincidence that in the wake of the Arab Spring, investment in youth-related initiatives, especially related to employment, has increased sharply.

This journey is not over. Our education initiatives have so much momentum, and we're committed to sharing even more stories from the Arctic when we return.

I've yet to see an example of somebody standing up to Donald Trump and suggesting policy initiatives and him embracing them yet. It's not happening at scale.

Whenever I'm given a chance to support veterans' initiatives, I try to do that. Children and veterans - if they're involved, you can pretty much count me in.

While I support initiatives to improve quality and efficiency in Medicare, I do not believe that these efficiencies should come at the cost of patient well being.

The need for air transport is real, and it's not going to change. The key is to have the right business model and have the right initiatives, in my view, to succeed.

We are seeing healing among the stolen generations, and initiatives which are enabling Indigenous people to make their distinctive contribution to our national life.

What you need if you want jobs are small and medium sized enterprises, local initiatives, labour intensive work, community development, service providers and the like.

Having a comic in the White House will assure stability in foreign relations. The world will continue to respond to foreign initiatives by saying, 'You must be joking.'

In India, while there are some initiatives working with and for adolescent girls, there are too few state sponsored programmes for adolescent boys, be it rural or urban.

Federal dollars and resources come with so much red tape that state and local experts can't use that funding for initiatives that are working the best or are most needed.

Michelle Obama has also done a lot of work in the scope of educational equity and being able to work with her on some of her initiatives has been awesome. I'm very honored.

My message to my admirers is please take part in initiatives where you can do something for those actually in need and Christmas is a really beautiful opportunity to do so.

Even throughout college and post-college, I've always been incredibly hyperactive. Even at Boston College, I was involved in so many different organizations and initiatives.

Even the best community organizations and faith-based initiatives and the extraordinary charity of Americans across the country can't carry the brunt of eliminating poverty.

I look forward to making tangible and inspirational contributions to the Houston Technology Center's initiatives. HTC is an engine behind Houston's and Texas' continued growth.

Disparity is Australia's worst social problem. Thousands of lives are slowly being crushed, while billions are wasted on thousands of little initiatives trying to 'close the gap.'

One of the best things that can happen to any cause, to any people, is to have Bill Clinton as its advocate. That is how needy and neglected causes have become global initiatives.

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