I would rather make my name than inherit it.

You don't inherit cancer; you actually get it.

I did not inherit a single dime from my father.

Pity the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

I told you, the dopes are gonna inherit the earth anyway.

The geeks shall inherit the earth - I've always said that.

I think it's your duty to overcome what you inherit in life.

My reading of history is that we continually inherit trouble.

The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights.

Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt.

We inherit nothing truly, but what our actions make us worthy of.

My father used to say I would inherit his house but not his seat.

We inherit the family we're born into and create the family we need.

When you don't inherit an identity you have to define it on your own.

In New York City, the meek don't inherit the earth. The big mouth does.

My grandmother has a great aesthetic sense. Unfortunately I didn't inherit it.

We are going to inherit the earth; there is not the slightest doubt about that.

Inherit the Wind is a wonderful play, and I was in the original with Paul Muni.

I am very much against makeup and high heels and all that we inherit as 'beauty.'

I think that I did inherit a very expressive face from my mother and my grandmother.

I have children, so I'm constantly worrying about the world they are going to inherit.

Advertising is the principal reason why the business man has come to inherit the earth.

I don't believe that the meek will inherit the earth; The meek get ignored and trampled.

For the most part, we inherit our opinions. We are the heirs of habits and mental customs.

It is the youth who must inherit the tribulation, the sorrow... that are the aftermath of war.

It's going to be fun to watch and see how long the meek can keep the earth once they inherit it.

The revolution has always been in the hands of the young. The young always inherit the revolution.

It's an honour to be able to wear the No.5 jersey and that Carles Puyol thought of me to inherit it.

The scope of material I can work with is not limited to the set of things that we inherit from nature.

When I did Inherit the Wind, I learned about teaching school. I also found out what a fundamentalist was.

With families, no matter what kind you inherit, at some point you want to announce that you belong to it.

Men of New England, I hold you to the doctrines of liberty which ye inherit from your Puritan forefathers.

Creativity is not a trait that we inherit in our genes or a blessing bestowed by the angels. It's a skill.

We inherit plots. There are only two or three in the world, five or six at most. We ride them like treadmills.

My adolescence was a kind of motorway pile-up. I wish I had known that one day the geek would inherit the Earth.

The No. 9, a team's centre forward, is a number that means a lot and, God willing, I hope to inherit it some day.

When you inherit a franchise that won one playoff game in the last 10 years, you've inherited a troubled franchise.

Getting home-made food cooked by mom is a blessing. I feel I inherit my creativity through the food she cooks for me.

In urban America, you do not so much meet a romantic partner as inherit the product of someone else's romantic crimes.

In no instance is there to be a musical or opera of Inherit the Wind because it doesn't sing. It's an intellectual play.

To kill a relative of whom you are tired is something. But to inherit his property afterwards, that is genuine pleasure.

I think what you inherit is not real. I haven't inherited anything. What I have is really mine because I made it myself.

In my opinion, the best setup guys now have a tougher job than the closers. They pitch more innings, inherit more runners.

Only the man who does not need it, is fit to inherit wealth, the man who would make his fortune no matter where he started.

One of the reasons I wrote 'Horse Soldiers' was to understand the world my children would inherit after the events of 2001.

People are very much worried that our kids are not going to inherit the same opportunities that we inherited from our parents.

The message is not so much that the worms will inherit the Earth, but that all things play a role in nature, even the lowly worm.

I have no child to inherit my properties. You, the people, are my only family, and to make you happy is the reason I do politics.

You don't want to be hard to look at. Plain very good, hard to look at bad. The plain shall inherit the earth; time is our friend.

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