A lot of people need an infusion of confidence.

All panegyrics are mingled with an infusion of poppy.

What turns a work crisis into a life crisis is the infusion of dread.

The infusion of technology and social marketing to bar spaces is a big opportunity.

I know they call it the British Invasion, but musically, I call it the British Infusion.

I suppose no person ever enjoyed with more relish the infusion of that fragrant leaf than Johnson.

I suppose no person ever enjoyed with more relish the infusion of this fragrant leaf than did Johnson.

I've always believed that what can make a domestic setting truly home is the infusion of a cultural dimension.

If this humor be the safety of our race, then it is due largely to the infusion into the American people of the Irish brain.

Prada Infusion d'Iris perfume - my mother wears it, so it feels like home away from home. It's lovely to smell her scent at all times.

Cornwall, peopled mainly by Celts, but with an infusion of English blood, stands and always has stood apart from the rest of England, much, but in a less degree, as has Wales.

For fragrance, I apply a custom blend of essential oils and perfumes. I love spritzing Michelle Roques-O'Neil's Restore Therapie Aura Spray, which is an infusion that instantly rebuilds your energy.

They view massive immigration as a massive infusion of potential voters for the Democratic Party, and therefore will do nothing, absolutely nothing to stop that flow of legal or illegal entrance into the country.

The People's Republic of China has not yet reached the military might of the Soviet Empire. It requires a little more time and a little more infusion of Western aid, loans, technology and the hard currency of our tourists.

New Yorkers know how to borrow wildly. You know, Louis Armstrong was not a New York musician. He went from New Orleans to Chicago to New York, and when he arrived here, he taught those New Yorkers. New York needs that infusion.

Many businesses fail because the owner wasn't willing to invest and wasn't educated on the difference between spending money frivolously and investing money into the business for growth, and the risks and rewards of that cash infusion.

I was lucky enough to see the original cast of 'In the Heights.' This one blew my mind. The infusion of Latin, hip hop and rap with musical theatre, great storytelling and talent was a powerful combination to me during a time when I'd not been moved by much!

By the time Obama came into office, Washington had already agreed over a period of a few weeks to a $700 billion government infusion into the world banking system. Nothing of the sort had ever been done before, and it was done spit spot with very little national debate.

Historically and culturally, New York City and our entire nation simply would not be the same without the infusion of Asian traditions. Whether it is food, art, language or any other facet of cultural life, Asian Americans have made our city and our country stronger and richer.

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