Information's pretty thin stuff unless mixed with experience.

The news is disease in disguise pretending to be information.

Nature must be interpreted as matter, energy, and information

The information was correct but the interpretations were not.

Eloquence is the essential thing in a speech, not information.

Just give the brain the information and it will figure it out.

Facebook is all about information and helping people share it.

Spying is always an expensive method of acquiring information.

The student armed with information will always win the battle.

The best way to send information is to wrap it up in a person.

Crazy old people are our entire source of polling information.

Any information is valuable to the degree that you can use it.

Every cell in your body contains the same genetic information.

All knowledge is gained through an orderly loss of information.

Give me just enough information so that I can lie convincingly.

Personally, I have always preferred inspiration to information.

There is a profound difference between information and meaning.

Democracy depends on information circulating freely in society.

I love information. I can never get enough. I get bored easily.

Those who think they know me are simply lacking in information.

Information storage has to take place at the unconscious level.

The American people can always be trusted with the information.

Transmitting information is easier than creating understanding.

Information is a substitute for time, space, capital, and labor.

We aren't in an information age, we are in an entertainment age.

Portability of lots of information should not be underestimated.

Cops are some of my best sources. They have so much information.

Once the information is in the 40 to 70 range, go with your gut.

Well, all information looks like noise until you break the code.

Information is the mortar that both builds and destroys empires.

Information on the Internet must be as free as in the newspapers.

National security is the fig leaf against freedom of information.

Information cannot serve as an effective substitute for thinking.

The organization of information actually creates new information.

There is a limit on how much information you can keep bottled up.

Sometimes a pessimist is only an optimist with extra information.

All the information I have about myself is from forged documents.

Power, today, comes from sharing information, not withholding it.

Information defines your personality, your memories, your skills.

Tax returns give you nothing. Tax returns give you no information.

I'm afraid to laugh out loud, because there's so much information.

There's no such thing as information overload-only filter failure.

It is no use to keep private information which you can't show off.

I don't think there's any information to be gotten from television.

The most powerful tools you can have are information and knowledge.

The core of what Google is about is bringing information to people.

The notion that we can control the flow of information is obsolete.

My site has the whole thing - blogs, information, video interviews.

If this is the information age, what are we so well-informed about?

The greatest challenge Internet users face is information overload.

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