The generation that had information, but no context. Butter, but no bread. Craving, but no longing.

For me, whether we win or lose, every match is giving me a lot of information about how to improve.

The quantity and quality of your sleep plays a major role in your ability to learn new information.

But I am satisfied that the information that we have that this is the work of Zarqawi, is accurate.

Well, when I get new information, I rethink my position. What, sir, do you do with new information?

Information is currency. ... Power is a place as well as a verb; it is inside the information tent.

We willingly share personal information with companies for the convenience of using their products.

If you combat an international phenomenon, it is indispensable to share information internationally.

I think the more information you can get, the better you can find information for your own purposes.

No amounts of stone and bone could yield the kinds of information that the paintings gave so freely.

Bureaucrats sometimes do not have the correct information, while citizens and users of resources do.

Considering the amount of information we're bombarded by, it's amazing if a song can transcend time.

An efficient telecommunications network is the foundation upon which an information society is built.

My sustenance is information. My interventions are hidden. I increase as I learn. I compute, so I am.

The Mobile Web Initiative is important - information must be made seamlessly available on any device.

Keep the problems of clients and prospects confidential. Divulge information only with their consent.

The future of marketing belongs to honest information, accurate data and clear claims based on truth.

Everyone spoke of an information overload, but what there was in fact was a non-information overload.

In the information society, nobody thinks. We expect to banish paper, but we actually banish thought.

In information technology, money is not the issue. Willingness to implement and execute is the issue.

What best defines a child is the total inability to receive information from anything not plugged in.

Education turns an empty mind into an open mind. It turns information into behavioural transformation

I will be sharing additional information I've been hoarding for years about the world of Harry Potter

The information-deprived general populace might have been surprised this week to see a lower paycheck.

Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.

An extrovert is more likely to share immediate reactions and process information through conversation.

I think there's a lot of misunderstanding about genetic information and what you can and cannot learn.

Scientology does not teach you. It only reminds you. For the information was yours in the first place.

There are no bad people, there are people with insufficient information to make appropriate decisions.

A computer cannot manufacture new information. That's the difference between our brain and a computer.

When there is growth economically and in industry, I think there should be growth in information also.

Information overload refers to the notion that we're trying to take in more than the brain can handle.

People shared everything: information, equipment, their floors, whatever. There was strength in unity.

I just wanna learn and I wanna grow. I wanna consume as much information as possible. I wanna be great.

I can't take classified information that I get as a senator and give it to someone with no consequence.

We get sucked into the Internet and streaming information, and its time to just unplug and look within.

Information is antifragile; it feeds more on attempts to harm it than it does on efforts to promote it.

I think that you make the best choice with the information that you have before you at that given time.

While in theory randomness is an intrinsic property, in practice, randomness is incomplete information.

I found out that you could audition by sending a picture of yourself and some information to Newsround.

It used to cost money to disclose and distribute information. In the digital age it costs money not to.

Always revisit your decisions in the light of new knowledge and information. Don't be afraid to change.

In order to understand one person speaking to us, we need to process 60 bits of information per second.

Other people have all kinds of information about you that is invisible to you. How do you get feedback?

Human experience throughout the ages has been enhanced through learning, information and communication.

The biggest reason people don't succeed is because they don't expose themselves to existing information.

We get sucked into the Internet and streaming information, and it's time to just unplug and look within.

True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information.

The universe is information and we are stationary in it, not three dimensional and not in space or time.

If you are a reliable, honest journalist, sources will open up and trust you and share good information.

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