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Apart from Scottish traditional music, I wasn't really influenced by any kind of music. I just basically followed my own instincts.
Al Qaeda and ISIS may have global aspirations, but their ability to penetrate a society is strongly influenced by local conditions.
If you say one gets influenced watching a character, I think it's foolish. Cinema reflects society; society rarely reflects cinema.
Bill Burr, Freddy Soto, Joe Rogan, Tom Segura… those people influenced me a lot more than any of the older guys like Richard Pryor.
Great classic music that I've been turned on to has not only inspired and influenced me, but it has had an effect on my songwriting.
Madonna influenced me a lot. She's all about really being yourself and not giving a care in the world, and I really take after that.
I was mostly influenced by bands like Black Sabbath and Judas Priest - Metallica's 'Kill 'Em All' was also a hell of an inspiration.
My father, Kaneki, was a gifted research director of a chemical company, and his profession strongly influenced the path of my life.
Watching my dad go through all of the different career paths in the entertainment industry that he has, has absolutely influenced me.
Whether I'm being influenced by new music that I'm listening to, books I've read, my friends, or my faith, I'm learning all the time.
How far the existence of the Academy has influenced French literature, either for good or for evil, is an extremely dubious question.
The culture of the Dominican Republic definitely influenced me. We enjoy music in this crazy way; we celebrate absolutely everything.
Gershwin inspired me very much. The concept of 'That Lucky Old Sun' was inspired by 'Rhapsody in Blue' - not influenced, but inspired.
I always have been very musically influenced because of my dad. He had a very big record collection, so I dabbled in different genres.
People have just assumed that... if we call our Facebook acquaintances our friends, we must be influenced by them, too. But we're not.
Wherever a writer grew up, they're obviously influenced by that area, and I'm sure their characters are pulled from those experiences.
So many of the bands that influenced me growing up were English, even if I didn't realise it. English pop ruled the world in the '80s!
I'm more influenced by my own interests than anyone else's. Writers have to entertain themselves, or they can't entertain anyone else.
Soul lyrics, soul music came at about the same time as the civil rights movement, and it's very possible that one influenced the other.
The objective of producing useful devices has strongly influenced the choice of the research projects with which I have been associated.
I watch a lot of movies, and I tend to be influenced by scenes that intrigue me, that make me want to use the same effects or technique.
My parents were born in 1906 and 1907. I think the experience of the Depression greatly influenced the way they thought about the world.
We've influenced other artists, and when younger generations become fans of those artists and hear about us, they discover our music too.
The reason I do what I do is because I was influenced by Steve Martin, by Woody Allen, by Bob Newhart, by Carol Burnett, by Lucille Ball.
But if I were to say who influenced me most, then I'd say Franz Kafka. And his works were always anchored in the Central European region.
It was an extreme time, in a certain sense... I was totally and profoundly influenced by the revolutionary movements of the '60s and '70s.
I'm not aware that I was consciously influenced by any director, though these things often happen unnoticed, submerged in the unconscious.
When kids are young, before the age of ten, there is a critical window of opportunity when their habits and motivations can be influenced.
We grew up near a cinematheque in Cleveland, so we were very influenced by international cinema, the French New Wave, Italian neo-realists.
In creating the silkpunk aesthetic, I was influenced by the ideas of W. Brian Arthur, who articulates a vision of technology as a language.
Spiritual teachers and artists that have opened the eye of wisdom for the world, and visionary community builders, have influenced my work.
I was influenced by people like David Fincher and William Friedkin, and these directors who kinda paint their films with these dark shades.
There are a lot of country artists now that are heavily influenced by hip-hop. That's not me. I was very heavily influenced by rock & roll.
In general, the public knowledge base and thus decision-making behaviors are far more influenced by advertisement than with current science.
Jazz has been such a force in music, that any musician, including classical composers, have been influenced, and obviously performers, also.
So, influenced by these advisors and this hope, I have at length allowed my friends to publish the work, as they had long besought me to do.
I have been very influenced by the director Maurice Pialat, who I continue to be in conversation and conflict with and get inspiration from.
The graphic style itself is influenced by a lot of very layered and detailed comics that I read as a kid, like 'Vagabond' by Takehiko Inoue.
My parents believed in the ideology of the Left. And being influenced by Marxism and Leninism theories, they chose Marlena as my second name.
I have read H.P. Lovecraft, and I understand why he has influenced so much of horror writing. But because of his history, I wasn't a huge fan.
Wasn't the Treaty of Versailles, wasn't that disproportionately influenced by Jewish intellectuals? Don't get me wrong. I'm not pro-Holocaust.
Punk rock really influenced me, the basic metal bands, Zeppelin, Stones and Floyd, and Southern rock bands. I think I was pretty well-rounded.
People writing about me have said that I've influenced a lot of people, and there are some artists who have credited me with influencing them.
If I told you all the people that have secretly told me I've influenced them, you'd never believe it, and you'll never see it in print, either.
Whether it's a blatant homage or unconscious mimicry, the Rolling Stones have permanently, indelibly influenced how rock stars look and behave.
We are always influenced because we do not live in a vacuum together with our intentions. We are in a relationship with everything that occurs.
It started off with me being all the way influenced by Atlanta and southern music but I knew my sound had to grow - I started learning melodies.
I have believed in the biographies I have written. I truly can tell you that they have influenced our society politically, culturally, socially.
Shakespeare - I was very influenced - still am - by Shakespeare. I couldn't believe that a white man in the 16th century could so know my heart.
We've all been influenced by American naturalism, and to ignore that entirely would be impossible for me as someone who works primarily in film.