Strange is the influence of Marx on character.

Most of my influences are turn-of-the-century.

Orwell has always been a huge influence on me.

My dad's Irish music was such a huge influence.

My basic influence had probably been Peter Max.

Green Day was more of the influence than Blink.

We should not let negative influences get to us.

The persecution of genius fosters its influence.

With great influence comes great responsibility.

My body was braille for the creeping influences.

Public commentary absolutely influences my work.

The field is the sole influence of the particle.

Lobbyist influence comes from access, not money.

Kenneth Hari's art work shall influence mankind.

Sound is a huge influence on peoples' attention.

Bad writers have influences. Good writers steal.

Very potent influence on myself has been Finnish.

What you become directly influences what you get.

Honor, publicly, results in influence, privately.

To influence others must keep growing themselves.

My major influence was my ten years older sister.

The only real influence I've ever had was myself.

True influence drives action, not just awareness.

No one is a light unto himself, not even the sun.

There is no influence like the influence of habit.

We influence singing but never really songwriting.

Love has no great influences upon the sum of life.

Influence is like water. Always flowing somewhere.

Every language has influences and is an influence.

Everything I experience influences everything I do.

Black culture has been a huge influence in my life.

Social media is an influence but with my own twist!

I can't influence how other parties choose to vote.

It's hard to narrow down your influences in comedy.

Women temper men. We have a good influence on them.

I was lucky. I had a lot of really good influences.

Charisma is the ability to influence without logic.

The influence of mystery is the greatest influence.

Poetry has a small audience, but a large influence.

Disco is a major influence in the world of fashion.

I influence people, hopefully on the positive side.

Politics and power is a realm of relative influence.

The past influences everything and dictates nothing.

Integrity is the most needed to succeed in business.

The '80s definitely influence my music in a big way.

Who can put a pricetag on the influence of a mother?

I have more influence now than when I had the power.

I write heavily under the influence of James Taylor.

Without a doubt, Dana White is my biggest influence.

I don't believe I am influencing anybody but myself.

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