Genius is another word for magic.

any compulsion tries to justify itself.

Some things in literature are inexplicable.

People cannot endure inexplicable worthlessness

What he did to my heart was sheer, inexplicable, magic.

A phenomenon like Mozart remains an inexplicable thing.

Don't stigmatize in a rush to explain inexplicable evil.

Life is the continuing intervention of the inexplicable.

All my life, my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name.

My power is immeasurable; My truth inexplicable, unfathomable.

In utter loneliness a writer tries to explain the inexplicable.

The incomprehensible pleases us, the inexplicable is our friend.

Everything can happen in soccer. We have seen inexplicable things.

Really good books need a chaos element: something weird or inexplicable.

If you can explain a poem, it is not a poem. Poetry has to be inexplicable.

An inexplicable fact is infinitely preferable to an incomprehensible mystery.

There is a diabolical streak in me, a troublesome and inexplicable perversity.

The fundament upon which all our knowledge and learning rests is the inexplicable.

One of the most inexplicable characteristics of the Germans is their love of kitsch.

Friendship is inexplicable, it should not be explained if one doesn't want to kill it.

Paris, like every pretty woman, is subject to inexplicable whims of beauty and ugliness.

Genius is another word for magic, and the whole point of magic is that it is inexplicable.

God's inexplicable. God is beyond the everything. And yet we can't cease to blather about it.

As wonders, miracles are always astonishing, but as signs they are never wholly inexplicable.

My career is inexplicable to me. So far I've just been not getting fired despite being myself.

Each particle of matter is an immensity, each leaf a world, each insect an inexplicable compendium.

With sons and fathers, there's an inexplicable connection and imprint that your father leaves on you.

Gradually the feeling wears off, and I feel swamped again by the inexplicable pettiness of being alive.

The impulse to write things down is a peculiarly compulsive one, inexplicable to those who do not share it

Where loyalty bound creatures together, they became something larger, something new and whole and inexplicable.

The explicable requires the inexplicable. Experience requires the nonexperienceable. The obvious requires the mystical.

Of all the quirky, inexplicable, reindeer-embellished holiday traditions out there, making your own Yule log might take the cake.

In all natural disasters through time, man needs to attach meaning to tragedy, no matter how random and inexplicable the event is.

I no longer attempt to rationalise inexplicable phenomena; there are explanations, Horatio, but they are likely to be beyond our ken.

Lifetime dogs intersect with our lives with particular impact; they're dogs we love in especially powerful, sometimes inexplicable, ways.

The world I describe is about how people live now. It's not about zany people with unlimited, inexplicable funds in an apartment somewhere.

Maybe we should admit that our science is not as perfect as we would like to believe and that nature is ultimately inexplicable and beyond our control.

I am very emotionally affected by sound. Sounds are the inexplicable... There is a sound you hear in your head, it's your nerves, or your blood running.

Japan's inexplicable lack of response to even consider a move to re-open their market to U.S. beef will sorely tempt economic trade action against Japan.

Events keep happening that seem inexplicable and out of control. Donald Trump, Brexit, the War in Syria, the endless migrant crisis, random bomb attacks.

No one felt it more than the President. I saw him repeatedly, and he fairly groaned at the inexplicable delay in the advent of help from the loyal States.

The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear - fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety.

A theory of the universe that states: If anyone finds out what the universe is for, it will disappear and be replaced by something more bizarrely inexplicable.

I've never really understood that. It's a funny thing; people sometimes accuse us of condescending to our characters somehow-that to me is kind of inexplicable.

There are days when my heart is troubled, and just being in the Lord's presence and thinking about His love for me fills my heart with inexplicable peace and joy.

When you listen to a song, it should make you sit up and wonder, 'Hey, what is this!' or give you an inexplicable feeling of joy or relate beautifully to the music in you.

It's inexplicable why somebody can lose a leg and it doesn't effect them at all emotionally; and another person can lose a foot and be destroyed for the rest of their lives.

Although the dream is a very strange phenomenon and an inexplicable mystery, far more inexplicable is the mystery and aspect our minds confer on certain objects and aspects of life.

Tension is an interesting quality - and architecture must have it. There should be elements of the inexplicable, the mysterious, and the poetic in something that is perfectly rational.

'Doom Patrol' is doing the most - and the wackiest - things, but when you've been alive in this time, you know it's actually not so wacky. Awful, strange, and inexplicable things do happen.

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