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Contrary to the received wisdom, global markets are not unregulated. They are regulated to produce inequality.
Does inequality in the distribution of income increase or decrease in the course of a country's economic growth?
Inequality is a poison that is destroying livelihoods, stripping families of dignity, and splitting communities.
There are serious issues of inequality and injustice in this country... I stand with those opposing such bigotry.
Income inequality has made having kids, much like getting a quality college education, a rich person's privilege.
We need radical, transformative solutions to address the inequality that is blighting millions of people's lives.
The French don't think everyone should have the same bank balance, but they're offended by extremes of inequality.
Inequality is on the rise in Canada and those at the top have no idea what life is like for most Canadian families.
I feel disheartened when I see stereotypes, because it's untrue and unfair. It just raises the level of inequality.
I have truly never been honest outside of the home in regards to racism and inequality and what I've been subject to.
An important factor influencing intergenerational mobility and trends in inequality over time is economic opportunity.
Inequality of women concerns both India and France, though it might have different manifestations in both the countries.
Inequality within the deaf and hard of hearing community is something I feel really passionate about and always will do.
Early investment in the lives of disadvantaged children will help reduce inequality, in both the short and the long run.
I think inequality has gone past the point where it's helping us all get rich, and it's really becoming a serious threat.
When I was confronted with just the bare facts of poverty and inequality in America, it always disturbed and confused me.
Inequality hardens society into a class system. Inequality divides us from one another... Inequality undermines democracy.
Inequality was written into the creation of the American Republic when our Founding Fathers denied voting rights to women.
It is not possible to have a strong, functioning business in a world of increasing inequality, poverty, and climate change.
I don't just have the patriarchy to compete with. I have systemic racism and white supremacy and inequality to compete with.
There's no doubt that inequality destabilizes societies. I think the social science evidence on that front is crystal clear.
Economic inequality is systemic, and one of the most effective barriers is ignorance about how money works beyond the basics.
No matter how we name and dissect inequality, we must keep explaining the larger downside of such concentrated extreme wealth.
The higher the coefficient of inequality (Gini coefficient) in a society, the worse things tend to be for those at the bottom.
A man willing to work, and unable to find work, is perhaps the saddest sight that fortune's inequality exhibits under this sun.
There is still nothing like equality for women in jobs, in family. There's just an awareness that inequality is not acceptable.
Economic inequality is not about food stamps and homeless shelters. It is about being a devotee of social justice and equality.
The main force pushing toward reduction in inequality has always been the diffusion of knowledge and the diffusion of education.
I have learnt a lot about the challenges children face - poverty, inequality and their difficulties in accessing basic services.
That's part of American greatness, is discrimination. Yes, sir. Inequality, I think, breeds freedom and gives a man opportunity.
Global growth and development that is strong, sustainable, and inclusive requires the challenges of inequality to be met head-on.
Marriage ... is still the imperfect institution it must remain while women continue to be ill-educated, passive, and subservient.
White people need to wake up and tell the truth about US history and the inequality and the ways in which racism is so entrenched.
Inequality causes problems by creating fissures in societies, leaving those at the bottom feeling marginalized or disenfranchised.
Wishy-washy equivocations - and not just on abortion, but on immigration, on civil rights, on income inequality - weaken all of us.
We've done a very poor job at really reflecting on our legacy of racial inequality... You see it in the South, but it's everywhere.
Health inequalities and the social determinants of health are not a footnote to the determinants of health. They are the main issue.
Lenin, Stalin, and Mao slaughtered even more tens of millions in the name of equality than Hitler murdered in the name of inequality.
We must acknowledge that issues like systemic racism, economic inequality, and the achievement gap are the result of manmade policies.
I'm very keen that we have this debate about the good parts of inequality and the bad parts of inequality. It's not a one-sided thing.
I think inequality is fine, as long as it is in the common interest. The problem is when it gets so extreme, when it becomes excessive.
Protecting space for civil society and citizenry is particularly critical in a world marked by rising political and economic inequality.
Not only does the UK have the highest levels of regional inequality among the major economies, the imbalance is widening, not narrowing.
Under-representation of women and other inequality among researchers is a problem that will not solve itself as women acquire competence.
A new business model based on old principles of social justice where people matter - now that's a revolutionary way to reduce inequality.
The U.S. has some of the most significant income inequality in the developed world, yet people seem routinely to underestimate that fact.
Do not banish reason for inequality; but let your reason serve to make the truth appear where it seems hid, and hide the false seems true.
Americans swept away the instruments of English hereditary inequality - entails and titles of nobility - even before we had a constitution.
We need to see the FLSA and the minimum wage as part of a larger struggle to cut poverty and to address the challenge of income inequality.
Massive inequality, we have learned, isn't the best way to run an economy after all. And when you think about it, it's also profoundly ugly.