Music is an indirect force for change

Abuse is an indirect species of homage.

Persecution is a bad and indirect way to plan religion.

I have a position of indirect respect and oblique power.

I guess I'm more of a direct person than an indirect one.

Everything direct is positive, everything indirect is negative.

The books of C.S. Lewis had a very profound, indirect effect on me.

The theory of the indirect approach operates on the line of least expectation.

Only an indirect method is effective. We do nothing if we have not first drawn back.

there is a law of retribution in all things, direct or indirect, visible or invisible.

The most important pathological effects of pollution are extremely delayed and indirect.

Simply put, the direct power over the money supply is the indirect power over the people.

Higher ceilings allow the use indirect lighting, which is much healthier and reduces glare.

There are direct paths to a successful career. But there are plenty of indirect paths, too.

Your strength is soft, indirect, delicate, tender, womanly. But it is strength just the same.

Deference is the most complicate, the most indirect, and the most elegant of all compliments.

In most riots in India, Congress has had a direct or indirect involvement. History bears this out.

I don't practise indirect free-kicks, but the technique and how I strike the ball I practise a lot.

Countries are effectively paid deference in direct and indirect ways if they're huge oil suppliers.

Alfred Nobel believed that social changes are brought about slowly, and sometimes by indirect means.

Very little mathematics has direct applications - though fortunately most of it has plenty of indirect ones.

The picture is the imitation and converted reality of the goods, in short, an indirect substitute for reality.

Whether there's even an ocean on Pluto deep inside is a question I hope New Horizons can address in indirect ways.

For any business that has an indirect model to move into the direct business is very difficult and very challenging.

Westlake is allusive, indirect, referential, a bit rococo, Stark strips his sentences down to the necessary information.

Sense-perceptions can only be indirect knowledge, and not direct knowledge. Only one's own awareness is direct knowledge.

Power as is really divided, and as dangerously to all purposes, by sharing with another an Indirect Power, as a Direct one.

Power works best when it is indirect - never coercing people; instead, getting them to voluntarily align with your interests.

Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast.

Boys frustrate me. I hate all their indirect messages, I hate game playing. Do you like me or don't you? Just tell me so I can get over you.

A lot of the ups and downs for me, especially the downs, I feel like it came in a lot of indirect ways because I didn't appreciate what I had.

I take a lot of inspiration from the nature of the universe and visualize my work as a direct or indirect reflection of life, inside and around us.

A lie does not consist in the indirect position of words, but in the desire and intention, by false speaking, to deceive and injure your neighbour.

All that a city will ever allow you is an angle on it, an oblique, indirect sample of what it contains, or what passes through it; a point of view.

Note, besides, that it is no more immoral to directly rob citizens than to slip indirect taxes into the price of goods that they cannot do without.

The truth is that anyone, almost anyone, who receives the Nobel Prize has some indirect knowledge of one sort or another that they may be a candidate.

When you are looking for corruption, you should look at the entire stratum of the society, while some forms of corruption are direct, others are indirect.

There is an overwhelming mass of authentic evidence which can be cited as: direct observation, indirect observation, and supporting evidence or indication.

It has yet to be shown by direct biochemical methods, as opposed to the indirect genetic evidence mentioned earlier, that the code is indeed a triplet code.

I was the chief sponsor of the Business Employment Incentive Program bill, which resulted in hundreds of thousands of direct and indirect jobs here in New Jersey.

The universe is asymmetric and I am persuaded that life, as it is known to us, is a direct result of the asymmetry of the universe or of its indirect consequences.

At this moment, by an undeserved stroke of fortune, I am the direct voice of the poets of my race and the indirect voice for the noble Spanish and Portuguese tongues.

The chief benefit, which results from philosophy, arises in an indirect manner, and proceeds more from its secret, insensible influence, than from its immediate application.

But picketing - picketing for or against something, and handing out literature - these are conspicuously formal actions. They have to be understood as indirect communication.

Lesbian existence comprises both the breaking of a taboo and the rejection of a compulsory way of life. It is also a direct or indirect attack on the male right of access to women.

Sound is your friend because sound is much cheaper than picture, but it has equal effect on the audience - in some ways, perhaps more effect because it does it in a very indirect way.

The Constitution acknowledges two kinds of taxes: direct and indirect... Examples of direct taxes are income and property taxes... Examples of indirect taxes are import and excise taxes.

This year I hope to introduce legislation that would require Power Administrations to list direct and indirect costs associated with ESA compliance as a line item on customer's power bills.

The universe is asymmetric and I am persuaded that life, as it is known to us, is a direct result of the asymmetry of the universe or of its indirect consequences. The universe is asymmetric.

WhatsApp will bring Facebook another billion users. We will be a billion-user product. Whether there is a direct valuation or an indirect valuation, there is value, and Facebook understands that well.

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