An examination of Indian Vedic doctrines shows that it is in tune with the most advanced scientific and philosophical thought of the West.

India to someone who lives in Lahore is like Queens to someone who lives in Lower Manhattan - it's not far away, and yet it doesn't exist.

India's role is not to interfere in what Nepal does but to support Nepal in their development. Nepal should scale new heights of progress.

The most startling aspect of the nutrition situation in India is that it is not much of an issue in public debates and electoral politics.

In some peculiar way, indeed, the rules were now beginning to seem quite logical. It was then I knew that I had been in India long enough.

The Charkha in the hands of a poor widow brings a paltry price to her, in the hands of Jawaharlal; it is an instrument of India's freedom.

For me, my secularism is, India first. I say, the philosophy of my party is 'Justice to all. Appeasement to none.' This is our secularism.

Having come from the U.S. and observed the way the health care system works there, we definitely felt that we could do something in India.

Nations need to understand their own strengths and weaknesses, and India's tradition of dissent and democratic debate is a positive aspect.

The Congress' name of 'INC' must be changed to 'Institutions Neglecting Congress'. Their habit is to misuse, abuse and reduce institutions.

Understanding strengths and weaknesses is very essential in setting forth a clean administration and for sustainable and lasting solutions.

In India, the corrupt accuse the corrupt of being corrupt and the corrupt investigate the corrupt and absolve the corrupt of being corrupt.

In my father's language: "To create something out of nothing." That possibility exists in India even in old-world sectors like agriculture.

I think there are enormous possibilities. And today there are no I think barriers to increased cooperation with India and the United States.

Do you share my belief in Swami Vivekananda's dream that India will be a Jagad Guru once again? I see no reason for India to be left behind.

The first country to adopt happiness as an official goal of public policy is the tiny little country of Bhutan in Asia near China and India.

The uplift of the women, the awakening of the masses must come first, and then only can any real good come about for the country, for India.

India is like Europe. This means there isone currency and numerous languages andcultures. And this is a 'Europe' made up ofvarious cultures.

Yog is not only about Rog Mukti but also Bhog Mukti. Yoga can be our cultural ambassador. We can reach out to the world through this medium.

We are growing both in the U.S. and in India, and all our business plans are made accordingly. So we are expanding both in U.S. and in India.

Time has come to show India's strength to the world. Lets recognise our demographic dividend & present image of a Skilled India to the world.

We have set out to bring a difference in your lives, to bring smiles back on your face, to fulfil your dreams. We want to make such an India.

India has always had a strange way with her conquerors. In defeat, she beckons them in, then slowly seduces, assimilates and transforms them.

I have photo shoots or commercials that I do, or things in India. It's usually a seven-day week for me. So physically it does get exhausting.

Learning from experience and learning from education, both are important. Your education & values decide how you learn from your experiences.

I go with the most interesting thing that comes my way,I don't expect it to come from India to tell you the truth, but if it did, fine by me.

It is our social responsibility as citizens of India to help fulfil Gandhiji's vision of Clean India, by his 150th birth anniversary in 2019.

In this, of all the countries in the world, possession of inordinate wealth by individuals should be held as a crime against Indian humanity.

I am seeing that Gandhi is looking through these specs that whether we have made India clean or not, what we have done and what we have done.

I like to think that someone will trace how the deepest thinking of India made its way to Greece and from there to the philosophy of our times

It would be a sad day for India if it has to inherit the English scale and the English tastes so utterly unsuitable to the Indian environment.

Our expectation is that by 2050, which is a long time away, India will be the largest economy in the world, overtaking both the U.S. and China.

The 21st century is the century of knowledge. Knowledge, science and education will have the power and strength to embrace the entire universe.

In England I am not English, in India I am not Indian. I am chained to the 1,000 square miles that is Trinidad; but I will evade that fate yet.

My great-grandfather was in the army in India, and we have photographs of my family there in full Victorian dress. They're incredibly romantic.

There is an ancient tribal proverb I once heard in India. It says that before we can see properly we must first shed our tears to clear the way.

I wish I were the Commander in Chief in India... I should do my utmost to exterminate the Race upon whom the stain of the late cruelties rested.

Religion for a long time has come to be static in India. What we want is to make it dynamic. I want it to be brought into the life of everybody.

I am convinced the entrepreneurial spirit of the Indian people, if allowed to express itself freely in the marketplace, India will be all right.

If you want India to lower tariffs and facilitate more free trade, then I think Indian producers also have a right to enter the European market.

India is developing because of 125 crore strong Team India. We have to end the curse of casteism, communalism with the sweetness of development.

Pakistan should be a moderate Islamic state. That it should be a prosperous country is in India's interests, and it is in the world's interests.

My own life in India, since I came to it in 1893 to make it my home, has been devoted to one purpose, to give back to India her ancient freedom.

The government can't get away with large-scale famine, but it can get away with chronic hunger. It has become an accepted part of life in India.

That was my real education in the world - I learned politics, the social and cultural life of India, Hindu tradition and religion, and Buddhism.

The people of Kashmir are our people, and we will do everything to ensure they are a part of the process of making India an economic superpower.

My son is not that emotional. He thought my trip to India is just another conference, But when he hearing about my visit on TV, he too got moved.

Meaningful solutions to the problems of mass poverty that prevails in India I believe can only be found in the framework of an expanding economy.

Jan Bhagidari is the biggest asset of a democracy. We are increasing it through MyGov, letters from citizens, Mann Ki Baat and other initiatives.

We do not need committees but we need commitment. The nation is already reeling under the burden of several committees formed in the last decade.

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