What we call Man's power over Nature turns out to be a power exercised by some men over other men with Nature as its instrument.

Mahatma Gandhi went from Africa to India, and once India won its freedom, it helped African countries to get their independence.

I have, year after year, been named the most bipartisan member of the whole United States Senate. I have proved my independence.

Israeli independence - what we Arabs call al-Naqba, 'The Catastrophe' - it created Palestinian identity more than anything else.

If you follow the ways in which you were trained, which you may have inherited, for no other reason than this, you are illogical.

Ah, monsieur, to live in the bosom of the sea! Only there can independence be found! There I recognize no master! There I am free!

The only holiday of independence which I can never leave out is the celebration of the independence of the Jewish State of Israel.

I equally dislike the favor of the public with the love of a woman - they are both a cloying treacle to the wings of independence.

Let it be your maxim through life, to know all you can know, yourself; and never to trust implicitly to the information of others.

Men spend their whole lives showing that they're strong and silent. They fight for independence the way women struggle to connect.

But this is altogether a mark of the most common sort of men, for it is in your power whenever you choose to retire into yourself.

In many households today, the woman is also a bread winner and with this financial independence comes the power of making choices.

From the first moment of independence, the United States has been dedicated to innovation as a way of government and a way of life.

No genuine equality, no real freedom, no true manhood or womanhood can exist on any foundation save that of pecuniary independence.

Finding that financial independence away from a broken relationship is probably one of the most powerful places a woman can get to.

Men spend the best parts of their lives earning money in order to enjoy a questionable liberty during the least valuable part of it.

It is not wealth one asks for, but just enough to preserve one's dignity, to work unhampered, to be generous, frank and independent.

I was brought up in great tenderness, and though my mind was proud to independence, I was never led to much independence of feeling.

No, his mind is not for rent To any God or government Always hopeful yet discontent He knows changes aren't permanent But change is.

Love is generally confused with dependence; but in point of fact, you can love only in proportion to your capacity for independence.

When women hold off from marrying men, we call it independence. When men hold off from marrying women, we call it fear of commitment.

Child labor becomes a label of condemnation in spite of its ancient function as the quickest, most reliable way to human independence

I admire [Alex] Salmond in many ways but my problem with him has always been this independence thing within the EU, which is rubbish.

Since being quite young, I've had a very strong sense of independence and survival. As a child, I was on my own two feet emotionally.

Independence is useful, but caring attitudes and behaviors shrivel up in a culture where each person is responsible only for himself.

I'm completely ecstatic when a woman has own back story and brings something to the table and has a real strong kind of independence.

Independence is doing what you want to do, knowing that you're happy with the decisions you're making and that it's the best for you.

The class of citizens who provide at once their own food and their own raiment, may be viewed as the most truly independent and happy.

In marriage a little licence, a little independence there must be between people living together day in and day out in the same house.

Away with the idea of getting independence first, and looking for liberty afterwards... Our liberties, once lost, may be lost forever.

In the Imperialist Era, the foreign loan played an outstanding part as a means for young capitalist countries to acquire independence.

Some experiences can give you a chip on your shoulder, but they also teach you the value of independence and looking out for yourself.

I ask you...to adopt the principles proclaimed by yourselves, by your revolutionary fathers, and by the old bell in Independence Hall.

My main mistake was to have made an ancient people advance by forced marches toward independence, health, culture, affluence, comfort.

There is a danger to judicial independence when people have no understanding of how the judiciary fits into the constitutional scheme.

I want to remain that family farmer independence, which I think is so critical to this country. I think it's helped build this country.

I wanted to be an independent woman, a woman who could pay for her bills, a woman who could run her own life - and I became that woman.

If a caribou needs to be sacrificed for the sake of energy independence, I say, 'Mr. Caribou, maybe you need to take one for the team.'

Remember: no attachment should grow, no clinging should grow. They are all against your independence, your freedom, your individuality.

Governments must commit to sound economic and financial policies. This is how we ensure reform in the euro area - and our independence.

Network marketing has come of age. It's undeniable that it has become a way to entrepreneurship and independence for millions of people

The Independence and Liberty you possess are the work of joint councils and joint efforts, of common dangers, sufferings and successes.

Marriage is another trap. If you are someone who likes independence, it's another stamp against that. And you have to swear to fidelity.

At the bottom of education, at the bottom of politics, even at the bottom of religion, there must be for our race economic independence.

To ask whether the natural rights philosophy of the Declaration of Independence is true or false, is essentially a meaningless question.

There's value in checks and balances. And there's value in having independence in the governor's office with respect to the legislature.

I have a fresh start, now that I've turned 18, which feels like such a symbolic age of independence and hopefully a new phase of my life.

Strength and independence are always something that I'm drawn to in all my characters, no matter how different they are from one another.

In the marriage union, the independence of the husband and wife will be equal, their dependence mutual, and their obligations reciprocal.

I'm a huge fan of the first 'Independence Day.' It is amazing. When it came out in 1995, just how explosive and big it was... I loved it.

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