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I feel like I had a great career in a way. Maybe not the most successful monetarily or in other ways, but creatively, I feel incredibly fortunate.
I'm incredibly humbled that the leader of the modern liberty movement and strong conservative leader Congressman Ron Paul is backing our campaign.
Health innovation, enabled by digital technologies to build big consumer service brands, is an incredibly interesting, complex problem to work on.
I'm not patient, and some things drive me crazy. In my work, I get incredibly upset when people don't get it right or don't respect others' needs.
'Papo & Yo' is an incredibly emotional experience. It shows that video games can talk about anything, even the most personal and sensitive matters.
I take laser tag incredibly seriously. I am an extremely competitive person - most likely a little over the top at times, but that's just who I am.
The way I make art - the way a lot of people make art - is as an extension of language and communication, where references are incredibly important.
One of the pleasures of the original 'Grimm's Fairy Tales' is how incredibly ghastly they are. The ugly sisters have their eyes pecked out by crows.
Hoover was incredibly ambitious as a young man. He was highly motivated to succeed in Washington, primarily due to his mother's expectations of him.
And what we've lost sight of is that performing manual labor with your hands is one of the most incredibly satisfying and positive things you can do.
I look a lot like my mom. I'm the only one of my siblings with red hair, and she had bright red hair. I always have felt incredibly connected to her.
One of the tragedies of our educational system is that we've taken this incredibly interesting subject - how the universe works - and made it boring.
In a culture defined by shades of gray, I think the absolute black and white choices in dark young adult novels are incredibly satisfying for readers.
I love pretending to be other people. The more unlike me they are the better - I find other people endlessly fascinating and myself incredibly boring.
If your characters are two-dimensional and your plot uncompelling, it won't matter how incredibly detailed and believable your fantasy world might be.
There's nothing more invigorating than being deeply involved with a small company and a young team of founders out to do something incredibly special.
I think it was the right time for me to retire because nowadays tennis is too incredibly fast and you can say that my style tennis went out of fashion.
Little Richard played my uncle on 'Full House.' He's fabulous. I remember him being incredibly kind to me. I just remember him being super, super nice.
Growing up, I started to realize I was surrounded by people who were passionately alive. Seventh Street felt raw, but I found it incredibly theatrical.
Being honoured with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame alongside the names of some of my childhood heroes is slightly surreal and incredibly awesome.
I'm really very lucky. I get to do an awful lot. I've been able to make an incredibly wide range of movies and work with an incredible array of people.
I grew up in a very open-minded family. My father died when I was very little, so my mother was really, really incredibly busy trying to provide for us.
He was incredibly good as Dr Who. He brought all his eccentricities to the role and was so charismatic and charming. He must be the fans firm favourite.
I know people who are incredibly successful who still dress the way they did when they were 18, just because they still think that's how they look good.
I was always a huge fan of E. E. Cummings. He did a series of lectures at Harvard or Princeton, and they were recorded. And they were incredibly moving.
When you're playing a fictional character reacting to the real world, it's incredibly difficult and confusing and kind of messes with your values a bit.
The truth is, the WWE has changed incredibly since my wrestling days. The work schedule is not as demanding overall, and the compensation is much better.
Being OK means you're not sad, and you're not incredibly happy. You're content. You're OK. And that's the ideal place to be, to be able to say, 'I'm OK.'
I think the state opening of Parliament is an incredibly important occasion, and broadly speaking, the way in which it's done is an invaluable tradition.
The process of writing a book has given me a whole new reverence for writers. Mechanically, it is a brutal process; emotionally, it's incredibly healing.
Every day it seems like something happens to assure me I'm in the right place, and that doing anything else would be wrong. I feel so incredibly blessed.
I think Irish women are strong as horses, incredibly loyal and for the most part, funny, witty, bright and optimistic in the face of devastating reality.
I was on a beach in Hawaii for a video shoot once, and it was incredibly beautiful. It had very fine black sand with a silver sparkle running through it.
Belief in oneself is incredibly infectious. It generates momentum, the collective force of which far outweighs any kernel of self-doubt that may creep in.
I'm getting better now, but I used to be incredibly awkward with girls. I think any guy who says 'I've never had an awkward moment with a girl' is a liar.
I'm really incredibly stubborn - you can ask my ex-husband. I think when you tell me 'no', if it's something I really want, I'm just going to push harder.
I've stopped worrying about whether people think what I do is any good. I've taken stick in the past, and I've genuinely worried and got incredibly upset.
Touring the world was almost like a side project that got out of control. It's like two incredibly demanding full-time jobs that I'm trying to do at once.
I'm incredibly close to my family. I have two younger brothers; they're both artists and actors, and their work and the way they see the world inspires me.
I adore the incredibly tight clothing! My own wardobe's changed - I've streamlined a little bit and definitely learnt from Joan's sleekiness and tailoring.
My mother had an incredibly strong accent - although I couldn't hear it - and she was the main person there, so I'll have learnt to speak English from her.
Being attractive, it's not something I do consciously. It's incredibly flattering that people think I appeal to women. But that was a gift from my parents.
I think Maje typifies that French vibe where it's simple items that are very practical, very wearable but also, like, incredibly chic and expensive-looking.
Software tends not to kill people, and so we accept incredibly fast innovation loops because the consequences are tolerable and the results are astonishing.
I love that idea that if you know someone's story, it's impossible not to love them. This is potentially hokey but incredibly true, as far as I'm concerned.
If you take 67 brush fires times 10 years, that's almost 700 right there. Those brush fires are incredibly dangerous, all those homes going down proved that.
What they were giving me seemed incredibly real to me, so I'd react to it in a very real way. That was frightening for me, especially because of the subject.
Karate probably gave me an incredibly deep awareness of all the parts of me, my flexibility, and the nimble qualities I'm doing, even if they're unconscious.
I was fortunate enough to meet Sophie Dahl. And I'm slightly in love with Scarlett Johansson: she's just stunning. And she's bright, which is incredibly sexy.
The audience that surprised us the most was definitely Paris, when we played there last. They were just incredibly into us and we weren't expecting it at all.