The trans fat label has been an enormous incentive for food companies to take trans fat out of their products.

It is failure that guides evolution; perfection provides no incentive for improvement, and nothing is perfect.

Price creates incentive, and energy will be developed if there's demand for it at the price you can develop it.

Those subjects have the greatest educational value, which are richest in incentives to the noblest self-activity.

We need to create incentives for our ranchers and farmers to manage their lands to maximize carbon sequestration.

Enemies can be an incentive to survive and become someone in spite of them. Enemies can keep you alert and aware.

The tragedy is that there is so much more incentive - money - to destroy the ecology than there is to preserve it.

Complex regulation in place of simple-rules capitalism disrupts market processes and corrupts business incentives.

Governments that don't need to broaden their tax base have few incentives to respond to the needs of their people.

Virtue is increased by the smile of approval; and the love of renown is the greatest incentive to honourable acts.

Politicians like to talk about incentives - for businesses to relocate, for example, or to get folks to buy local.

We need to fashion policies with proper incentives to reduce the amount of carbon we are putting in the atmosphere.

So many American and international producers want to shoot in the U.K. because of our crew base and tax incentives.

It's for management to enthuse & motivate employees towards excellence in service; the profit incentive doesn't last

A resolute and wise refusal to take part in festivities will be an incentive for introspection and self-purification.

We also have no incentive compensation of any kind. And the reason we don’t is because it is detrimental to teamwork.

The Korean economic miracle was the result of a clever and pragmatic mixture of market incentives and state direction.

Socialism destroys the incentive to produce, dampens the human spsirit and results, ultimately , in less for everyone.

Economic policies need to be analyzed in terms of the incentives they create, rather than the hopes that inspired them.

Both humanity's capacity to innovate and the incentives to innovate are greater today than at any other time in history.

What looks like resistance in many cases is rational responses to incentives and ingrained resource-allocation processes.

Silence is golden! [Malcolm Subban] knows not to talk too much smack cause you don't want to give me that incentive right?

All tax incentives do is make it cheaper to borrow for transportation projects. But you still have to pay that money back.

If we think that high marginal tax rates are bad because they distort incentives, the same is then true for tax subsidies.

The incentive for business is not, and cannot, be anything other than the root incentive for all business: they must profit.

Capitalism has given people both the liberty and the incentive to create, produce, and trade, thereby generating prosperity.

I always felt that I hadn't achieved what I wanted to achieve. I always felt I could get better. That's the whole incentive.

To most of America, war has become not only tolerable but profitable, and so there is no longer any great incentive to end it.

Natural resources are so vast that no single individual or business is going to protect them; they don't have an incentive to.

Politicians and bureaucrats are no different from the rest of us. They will maximize their incentives just like everybody else.

Scholars today are under increasing pressure to publish. Consequences of this pressure are incentives to deviate from the truth

I try to motivate people and align our individual incentives with organizational incentives. And then let people do their best.

We have measured ourselves by ourselves until the incentive to seek higher plateaus in the things of the Spirit is all but gone.

In the bureaucracy, incentives will forever be inverted. Failure results in success: in more funds, more training, more time off.

The best move you can make in negotiation is to think of an incentive the other person hasn't even thought of - and then meet it.

I want to keep the government out of the business of giving incentives to have or not have kids, or incentives to marry or not marry.

If we raise taxes on corporations, what incentive will they have to make money other than the fact that it's the sole reason they exist.

Some are trapped in boxes of pea-sized Christianity, full of myths about missions that rob them of incentive to care about the unreached

Outright bans on plastic bags may not be the best solution, but education and incentives to get people to stop using them are necessary.

What drives 90 percent of stuff is not the small tactical decisions or the personal relationships but the big, macro political incentives.

Our electoral process has created perverse incentives that have warped our democracy and empowered special interests and a vocal minority.

The fact that you can love something that you've lost is all the incentive you need to love again, as opposed to becoming comfortably numb.

In order to have a decentralised database, you need to have security. In order to have security, you need to - you need to have incentives.

Negative interest rates hurt banks' balance sheets, with the 'wealth effect' on banks overwhelming the small increase in incentives to lend.

Doctors and hospitals should be paid for keeping their patients well. Paying them for doing more tests and surgeries creates bad incentives.

I think fracking for gas will reduce the incentive to turn to renewables, and I think it will do a lot of other damage across the countryside.

Incentives and infrastructure should encourage development and that development needs to contain the right types of housing in the right places.

Reforming the way the state works with businesses and providing incentives for employers will help preserve and create new jobs in Massachusetts.

Practically all government attempts to redistribute wealth and income tend to smother productive incentives and lead toward general impoverishment.

All human interaction, you can break it down to incentives. All relationships, at some level, are transactional. They're fascinated with incentives.

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