It is inappropriate to portray the central contribution to the Disaster Relief Fund as help for COVID-19 prevention.

One needs the invented, the spontaneous, the impromptu for ritual. Skepticism, that grain of salt, is inappropriate.

I've been harassed or on the receiving end of sexist and inappropriate behavior almost every place I've ever worked.

'Gillespie and I' is a deliciously morbid, almost smutty story, a compendium of inappropriate wants and smarmy desires.

She filed the image away as an excellent and insulting question to ask the earl at an utterly inappropriate future moment.

I don't think there's ever an inappropriate time to laugh! I'm a curious person. So if someone laughs, I want to know why.

People have become inappropriate. People have pushed too far. People have climbed one too many fences. I'm just tired of it.

I understand that smoking is vaguely inappropriate in certain situations. You know, like an orphanage, cancer ward, whatever.

One need hardly dwell on the catastrophic possibility of uttering a bantering remark only to discover it wholly inappropriate

I have a lot of Twitter rules. I never swear on Twitter, and if anybody's inappropriate, I block them. I have young followers.

Throughout my career, my family and I have fallen victim to inappropriate attempts to contact me by several unknown individuals.

When you're up for an Oscar, you just get offered everything. It's fantastic, but a lot of it you're completely inappropriate for.

Sometimes sugarcane takes about 15 months to grow, and hence it is inappropriate to ask farmers to pay their crop loans in 12 months.

No one has the right to threaten the health, education, and well-being of children by involving them in illegal or inappropriate work.

Nothing could be more inappropriate to American literature than its English source since the Americans are not British in sensibility.

You read constantly that banks are lobbying regulators and elected officials as if this is inappropriate. We don't look at it that way.

I will do comedy until the day I die: inappropriate comedy, funny comedy, gender-bending, twisting comedy, whatever comedy is out there.

We are here to inscribe ourselves on the universe, and it is not inappropriate to remind ourselves of this when blank slates are given us.

I know that even a consensual relationship with a subordinate is inappropriate, but I still allowed it to happen despite my better judgment.

I did learn that some of the things that are great for locker rooms are inappropriate for political discourse. That's a wisdom I've garnered.

The arrogance of secular Jews regarding the ultra-Orthodox community and their attempt to impose on it a different lifestyle is inappropriate.

There is a tendency to over-exaggerate and over-romanticise the place of a writer in a revolution. That bothers me. I think it's inappropriate.

Every person who speaks or writes for the public will make an occasional faux pas, and sooner or later will write or say something inappropriate.

I think we have to understand that sugar is an essential component of food; it's just that sugar in excess is an inappropriate and unhelpful diet.

Of course my jokes are in poor taste, inappropriate, and confused; they reveal my lack of security. But that is because I have no respect for myself.

It's inappropriate and vulgar and absolutely unacceptable to use your private life to sell anything commercially, but I think it's kind of a sickness.

We don't want the federal government to shut down. It is so inappropriate, and it is not respectful of the people that have sent us here to do our jobs.

At a certain point, we saw the police cracking down on the Occupy Wall Street activists. I won't call the actions of police appropriate or inappropriate.

Bad taste is not illegal. I always got my first laughs as a kid by saying inappropriate things. That's always how we're going to get our laughs as comics.

When somebody says something stupid to me, I usually alleviate it with laughter and humour. I make light of it to educate people on why it's inappropriate.

[T]he values to which people cling most stubbornly under inappropriate conditions are those values that were previously the source of their greatest triumphs.

There's so much we can't express in our day-to-day interaction with people because it's considered inappropriate. And acting is all about being inappropriate.

What I think is highly inappropriate is what's going on across the Internet, a kind of political jihad against Dan Rather and CBS News that's quite outrageous.

My kids have played soccer and baseball and basketball, and the parents who come to games are always saying and doing things that are just wildly inappropriate.

It is not a crime nor an impeachable offense to engage in inappropriate personal conduct; nor is it a crime to obstruct or conceal an embarrassing relationship.

When you take a subject and reduce it to something like a four-second sound bite and a check mark on a ballot, I think that that's inappropriate and insensitive.

One thing I would say is real cops have real gallows senses of humor and make incredibly funny and inappropriate jokes in the presence of dead people all the time.

I think women believed for a long time that it was inappropriate for them to be interested in true crime. It made them judge themselves, or feel weird or ghoulish.

We know of officers who develop inappropriate relationships with victims of domestic abuse. They have ignored their professional duty and their moral responsibility.

With Whitesnake it would have been inappropriate for me to have played Deep Purple songs, although I did at the beginning because I didn't have enough Whitesnake songs.

I am all for cracking down on inappropriate digital behaviour. Too often the connected world is an excuse for some coward hiding behind a keyboard to bully someone else.

The reality is that the institutional framework in which Wall Street operates is fundamentally inappropriate, and it inevitably generates violent fluctuations of the market.

I hold myself to a very high standard, and I hold my contributions to that same high standard. I will not accept any contributions that are illegal, inappropriate or tainted.

For the past few years I have engaged in several inappropriate conversations conducted over Twitter, Facebook, e-mail and occasionally on the phone with women I have met online.

The system of seeds based on monoculture is wrong and inappropriate. The biodiverse system has produced more food, and biodiversity means that seeds must be in the hands of farmers.

In the locker room, and when I'm with my friends, we use racial slurs... What I do with my black friends is not up to white America to dictate to me what's appropriate and inappropriate.

If there is such a person on the planet, then he or she-this self-appointed arbiter of “appropriateness”-deserves to be confronted with as many “inappropriate” transgressions as possible.

A lot of people characterize women as more cautious. I don't think that's an inappropriate characterization, but that's not a natural thing we're born with, it's something that comes about.

My husband does love women. He has four daughters, a sister, a mother he is very close to, and loves to hang out with my friends and me. Never is he inappropriate in any way, shape, or form.

I went from being able to walk down the street and be ignored to having men whistle at me. I was an insecure young girl, and it felt good to have attention, even though it was inappropriate.

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