You never know. One point can make a difference in the end.

In the end, I don't think you can find soul. Soul finds you.

In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

We're all human beings, in the end, despite our differences.

I always want my books to reach a positive point in the end.

In the end, the actor's main power is the power to say, 'No.'

In the end, it's a mental maturity to let your best come out.

In the end, drama is successful if you care about the people.

Competition drives growth in the end as opposed to monopolies.

In the end, the only people who fail are those who do not try.

The best care on earth cannot prevent us all dying in the end.

In the end we discover the only condition for living is to die.

In the end, I was producing movements for over 40 Oompa-Loompas.

In the end, I didn't get a dime of the money I was shortchanged.

In a corporation, there can only be one guy in the end: the CEO.

I think that in the end, a talk show is a very different animal.

But in the end, music is ultimately an aural art, pure and simple.

In the end, I'm an actor. I'm paid for what I bring to the screen.

I feel, in the end, as if everything I've done has been a failure.

In the end it's about the work, not an award you get for the work.

In the end, I want to be able to say, 'My life was what I made it.'

America has a critical place to play in the end of extreme poverty.

I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.

But all bubbles have a way of bursting or being deflated in the end.

In the end, you have to write like you're not afraid of the critics.

In the end, the Foreign Ministry had no power at all to do anything.

Whatever tears one may shed, in the end one always blows one's nose.

Doesn't all experience crumble in the end to mere literary material?

If you don't change, reality in the end forces that change upon you.

In the end, religion teaches us to value truth, justice and freedom.

In the end, I know my qualities and I know I'm not Messi. I'm Bojan.

In the end, to do a good accent, you just have to be a good listener.

Fallible characters are more interesting than superheroes in the end.

In the end, I think people prefer the good to win rather than the bad.

I think that, in the end, the consumer's going to win on the Internet.

Work hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent.

That's all drugs and alcohol do, they cut off your emotions in the end.

Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings.

It is not what I do, it is the way I do it, that will get me in the end.

In the end, I think you really only get as far as you're allowed to get.

It takes two guys on a team to do very well in the end and be successful.

In the end, my children put me on to Pink Floyd when they were teenagers.

I was really close to joining Barcelona, but in the end, it wasn't to be.

In the end, I want to spend my 60s writing bonkbusters like Jilly Cooper.

Really, it is all so worth it when you have your precious baby in the end.

In the end it is worse to suppress dissent than to run the risk of heresy.

The thing that's nice about pregnancy is that in the end, you have a baby.

Education is, in the end, about individual interactions and about learning.

In the end, the responsibility of government abuse lies with the president.

My job is to create jobs. In the end I'm going to have jobs to show for it.

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