Vince Vaughn is a master improviser.

You have to know composition to be a good improviser.

As an improviser, my nature is to take a theme and constantly rework it.

The day of the great Jazz improviser who doesn't know how to read music is over.

Understanding listening is an epiphany moment for every improviser. At least for me it was.

I think by now if people hire me, they know I'm going to improvise. I'm an improviser by trade.

As an improviser I'm now pretty comfortable with trios, so I'm thinking of working up to quartets.

I think not every improviser is a good stage actor. Certainly not every stage actor is a good improviser.

I always felt of myself as a composer, performer, improviser. I've never called myself a jazz man. I make art.

Catherine O'Hara's one of the most amazing, wonderful actresses, but she's an amazing improviser. She really is.

The lifelong goal of an improviser is to listen to what the other person is saying, taking it in, and responding.

I have a tough time with stand-up because I am an improviser. I can riff; I can do crowd work, so I don't prepare.

I think for anyone - male or female - in improv, the biggest thing to get over is the fear. I think every improviser has that.

I've always been an improviser. I was one before I knew even what the word was... And acting, that I've been doing since I was 5.

People know my background and for people who need an improviser, I'm one of the people they think to use if I'm appropriate for the part.

I'm an improviser. I came up doing improv at the U.C.B. Theater in New York for seven years. That's where I started, so improv is what I love.

I can't imagine doing anything without being an improviser. I can't imagine trying to write or act or direct without what improvising offers you.

I've never gotten hired for drama because I'm a good improviser. I don't think people who write drama scripts want you playing with them as much.

Steve Carell is the most spectacular ad-lib improviser ever. And just doing a scene with him, it's just one incredible topping himself on every take.

My brother was an improviser. He's now a lobbyist, but he used to perform improv in the city when he was in high school, and one of the funniest guys I know to this day.

I want to be an improviser, and I've worked very hard at that. It's an art. You don't just play whatever comes into your head; you have to be very deliberate about what you do.

I guess I'm sort of spoiled because, most of the things that I get to do, people know that you're a good improviser, so they allow you at least one improv take, and for comedy, that's great.

I felt that a cappella was the improv world with music, where it's very serious, and there are groups and competition, and some people become famous, and there's a language we speak from one improviser to another.

An improv team would have eight guys and one woman; that was still pretty standard. If you were a woman improviser, it was actually kind of an advantage because, if you were halfway decent, you'd get a lot more stage time.

Anytime I audition for something, it's always a question of whether or not the people I'm auditioning for understand I'm an improviser and I like to do that, and if they like that or if they just want someone who's going to do what's written.

As a stand-up, as a storyteller, as an improviser, I've done thousands of shows. They allow me to work out new material that might turn into something later. They let me keep my muscles sharp for when the rent-paying gigs do come along. They keep me sane.

Robert Altman was a very jovial guy and obviously a famed improviser and perhaps less effective in post-production, which is like the crystallising process. So I found myself at sea often with him because we'd have conversations about what music is, and in the end, I don't know how interested he was?

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