I think the thing that's impressed me the most has been the fantastic professionalism of the officials in the Senate.

I'm impressed with how the NBA, as a whole, is dressing so well. Guys are being very creative and having fun with it.

I have been impressed by Carlo Ancelotti, Kevin Keegan, Arsene Wenger, Guus Hiddink, Christoph Daum and Sam Allardyce.

We must no more ask whether the soul and body are one than ask whether the wax and the figure impressed on it are one.

In Japan, I was immensely impressed by the politeness, industrious nature and conscientiousness of the Japanese people.

Dortmund tried very early to sign me and always kept in close contact with me - this behaviour has really impressed me.

I always thought I wrote good bridges. I was a bit more impressed with the bridges I wrote than maybe the songs I wrote.

I've been impressed with Rick Guzman and his commitment to the residents of Aurora since I first met him many years ago.

I was impressed by the capability and talent and intellect of our troops on the ground. These kids are really impressive.

My father was the king of the joke-tellers. I was so impressed as a child watching him, holding people in rapt attention.

I am still the same person doing the same science. Why are people so impressed when some academy in Sweden gives an award?

My mother wanted my sister and me to live a normal life. I always picked friends who weren't impressed with my family ties.

That's the one thing before parenthood that no one really impressed upon me, that all of my children would be so different.

I'm really impressed every time Kanye comes to perform at 'SNL' because he finds a new way to make that space work for him.

My girls are great at making fun of Dad. They're never impressed with anything I do. I love that. I hope that never changes.

I'm just somebody that isn't that impressed by [Michael Jordan]. There really isn't anybody in the world I'm impressed with.

More than my films being influenced by manga I was indelibly impressed by Manga, and that definitely comes out in the films.

I thought Obama ran the best campaign I have ever known - disciplined, well organised, very, very good. I was very impressed.

The Duffers can be super articulate or very straight to the point. I was really impressed with how they were with each other.

The story of 'Lalpan Bibi' impressed me and my character also. It has all the ingredients of a great commercial masala movie.

I'm impressed by Jo Swinson. I think if I was living in a lot of constituencies I would lend my vote to the Liberal Democrats.

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.

I would be lying I didn't mention I saw Dominick Cruz's performance at UFC 178 and was impressed by his dominating performance.

In 2014, I heard Modi ji speak about toilets. For the first time, I saw a prime minister with such an outlook. I was impressed.

All we do as songwriters is rewrite the songs that have impressed us till we find our own voice. It's part of learning the craft.

The motions which the planets now have could not spring from any natural cause alone, but were impressed by an intelligent Agent.

I would say the youth systems in Germany have impressed me the most and how they grow their youth players into full professionals.

I wear a pedometer, aiming for five miles a day - don't be too impressed; that includes walking around my house and food shopping.

My children range in age from 5 to 31. We adopted the 5-year-old, but people are often impressed with my wife before knowing that.

I was always impressed by the Road Warriors and Legion of Doom. They were just so large and bigger than life in every possible way.

I've been so impressed with the kinds of thoughtful questions that I've gotten from young people, from Girl Scouts, from teenagers.

My kids completely understand that I may be on a huge show or in a big movie, but most of the time, they are not terribly impressed.

I travelled around small-town India a lot for a job from 2010-2012, and I was impressed by the energy I encountered in these places.

I really believed that Mike Huckabee had a vision for our country, and the more I was around him the more I was impressed by this man.

I, personally, like good clothes. I appreciate a fine tailored suit, and I'm impressed with the expansion of color in men's wardrobes.

After seeing my performance in director T.V. Chandran's 'Aadum Koothu,' Cheran was impressed and immediately cast me in 'Maya Kannadi.'

I've been impressed, obviously, with what Israel has done over the years, as it related to technology, agriculture, research in general.

Having parents who were hard working, blue collar, and staunchly independent, neither political party's positioning really impressed me.

My dad is now an incredibly important ally of mine. I'm so impressed with him. He's a hero to me because he put love and his family first.

I was just, like, all I want to do is be really good at something. Really, really good at something, so people are vaguely impressed by me.

I am older now, and sleep less, and have seen most of what there is to see and am not very much impressed any more, I suppose, by anything.

Tim Burton is underrated. I loved Big Fish, loved that movie, think it's the best movie of the year, hands down. Really impressed with that.

Zidane told me that since Messi, he had never seen a left foot like mine. I was a little impressed, because Messi is a piece of a footballer.

One of the stories that really impressed me was 'Anna Karenina.' As a novel, that made an impression on me, showing me what the novel can do.

I am passionate about higher education and am hugely impressed by Portsmouth's mission to encourage students from every walk of life to excel.

Ten Days That Shook The World, by Eisenstein, I went to see it, and I was so impressed with this film, so impressed with what cinema could do.

What's impressed me about 'Star Trek' fans is how many generations they span and how many nations they represent. They are all over the place.

I'm a really good dinner party guest. I am always so appreciative, impressed that anyone has even managed to turn on the oven and cook for me.

To this day, when I say that I went to the American Academy, people are very impressed. The reputation of the school has always been fantastic.

I was impressed by Hendrix. Not so much by his playing, as his attitude - he wasn't a great player, but everything else about him was brilliant.

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