The asbestos problem impacts everyone.

I think you make impacts by taking risks.

Everything we do impacts someone else's life.

Nobody impacts winning more than LeBron James.

The impacts of climate change are almost immeasurable.

Doing anything with dedication impacts life positively.

I love covering stories that have huge historic impacts.

The impacts of extreme weather are already creating chaos.

Playing quarterback, you rely on everybody. Everybody impacts you.

There are real impacts from lowering tax rates, encouraging savings.

There's no accepted global policy on what to do about asteroid impacts.

Books stay with me and have shaped me and made huge impacts on my life.

There are many different ways we can choose to reduce our carbon impacts.

How we live our lives in the Western world has impacts on the rest of the world.

You can impact on people with music, and I love that because music impacts on me.

Hundreds of species are facing extinction due to human impacts on the environment.

Right and wrong are not simply matters of evolutionary impacts and what is natural.

We want to just make music that impacts people - we don't really care about the rest.

A Christian worldview impacts every area of life. Including making your house a home.

The impacts of climate change are not going to get better; they are going to get worse.

It's a fact that Anglo-Saxon supremacy impacts other cultures. That is plain and simple.

At Natura, we have long been committed to measure and improve the impacts of our activities.

The most important thing is to get better at your craft, and concussions and head impacts are a setback.

When it costs $50 to fill up our gas tanks, it impacts every aspect of our daily lives and the community.

I've had a lot of big impacts before the music as far as deaths and tragedies and experiences in my life.

When people look for and demand purpose in their work, it impacts businesses, communities, and the economy.

One must go for a film with an open mind; a film best impacts you when your mind is a blank page to the film.

I believe that the United States has a moral and economic imperative to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Corporate culture matters. How management chooses to treat its people impacts everything - for better or for worse.

Markets are lethal, if only because of ignoring externalities, the impacts of their transactions on the environment.

No one understands the impacts of shifting fish stocks more than commercial and recreational fishermen in my district.

The risk to cities from climate impacts carries great social and economic cost and, of course, the loss of human lives.

Corporate tax dodging impacts us across generations and over time. It is corrosive. It is unethical. It is unsustainable.

For a lot of people, and I'm one of them, where you are and who you're spending your time with greatly impacts your accent.

When people in positions of trust mislead us - either recklessly, negligently or intentionally - that impacts the republic.

When you look at the origins and evolution of life on Earth, it's been severely affected by asteroid impacts through history.

Networking has been cited as the number one unwritten rule of success in business. Who you know really impacts what you know.

Coming from Puerto Rico and having that be my musical universe for the majority of my life no doubt strongly impacts my music.

In order to properly measure the impacts of climate change on our Financial system they must first be identified and disclosed.

Stress impacts the way we think, feel, and behave. It often leads to a negative, self-perpetuating cycle that is hard to escape.

Immense wealth translates automatically into immense environmental impacts, regardless of the intentions of those who possess it.

Being a mother impacts every aspect of your life. It's a rite of passage which gives you an entirely different outlook on things.

They say every writer really just writes about one thing over and over. I guess my one thing is how the past impacts the present.

California cars have no closer link to California climate impacts than do cars on the road in Japan or anywhere else in the world.

You can't be too far away from your BlackBerry because if there's a development anywhere around the world, it impacts the White House.

There are a lot of people in Milwaukee who have had adverse impacts from Scott Walker. He's managed to mess over everyone in Milwaukee.

Scientists have been warning about global warming for decades. It's too late to stop it now, but we can lessen its severity and impacts.

I have served in the Congress during two wars and I have seen the impacts on our military, on their families and on our national deficit.

Everything we say signifies; everything counts, that we put out into the world. It impacts on kids, it impacts on the zeitgeist of the time.

If recycling is the future, then we must focus our efforts on mitigating negative impacts to our community while protecting our environment.

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