You're only young once, but you can be immature forever.

You're only young once, but you can be immature forever.

It's insecure, and it's immature.

I am too childlike to be immature.

If your immature, I'm out the door.

My rookie year, I was very immature.

Complaints about reality are immature.

Immature strategy is the cause of grief.

Immature ists imitate. Mature ists steal.

I can't let myself act immature, in a way.

Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal.

When you are 20 years old, you are immature.

Immature artists imitate. Mature artists steal.

I am an immature person, and I am very lazy, too.

The immature artist imitates. Mature artists steal.

The immature artist imitates. The mature artist steals.

Somewhere around twenty-five, bizarre becomes immature.

The immature poet imitates, the mature poet plagiarizes.

You can only be young once. But you can always be immature.

The legal system in Afghanistan is very immature and porous.

My wife is immature. Whenever I take a bath, she sinks my boats.

Politics are usually the executive expression of human immaturity.

Inconsistencies in men are generally testimony to their immaturity.

What's the point of being a grown-up if you don't get to be immature?

I don't need to prove I'm an adult by being ultra-sexy that's immature

If we choose to behave differently, we are considered 'Mad' or 'immature

Those who are not true leaders will just affirm people at their own immature level.

Argument does not teach children or the immature. Only time and experience does that.

I'm a wife and a mother. I don't want to be immature; I have to be ready at all times.

I was immature the way I handled the business. I saw myself as a tribune of the people.

Immaturity is the incapacity to use one's intelligence without the guidance of another.

We're kind of like the smoking section in high school. We're immature, keep to ourselves.

How am I immature? Intellectually, emotionally, and sexually. Yeah, but in what other ways?

Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in the bath and she'd come in and sink my boats.

It was demeaning to scrape affection from virtually everyone you encountered. That was immature.

To be honest, I don't think I'm the best role model in the world. I'm pretty immature sometimes.

Shake structures. School yourself. Look twice at a thing, once upside down. Answer yourself clearly.

We are usually on bended knee before laws or angrily reacting against them, both immature responses.

Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'

The fact that I am so young So Immature Seems unforgivable to The decrepit Perfect and faultless adults

You can call it what you want: bad attitude, immature. You can say, 'He's a thug.' But I'm a competitor.

The mature person meets the demands of life, while the immature person demands that life meet her demands.

A good poet will usually borrow from authors remote in time, or alien in language, or diverse in interest.

I hang out with a lot of older people, so I've matured a little bit, but I do still have my immature side.

I was very immature when I was young, and for me there was no balance. Everything was just all or nothing.

I have an immature, Homer Simpson-like tendency to giggle when I say the words 'seminal fluids' in public.

It is natural for the immature to harm others. Getting angry with them is like resenting a fire for burning.

Horrible dates are when you're with people who are immature and can't really be comfortable in their own skin.

People are no longer sinful, they are only immature or underprivileged or frightened or, more particularly, sick.

Lots of women love to accuse men of being immature when the fellow in question displays a reluctance to "commit"...

Sometimes when you're young and a little more immature, you can overdo things or not really have your legs under you.

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