Hollywood has an obligation to watch what they put out there. Kids do imitate what they see - good or bad.

I'm not trying to emulate or imitate. But I do believe that I embody that spirit from Robert Johnson on up.

Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.

If you are going to be a character for the long-term you can't just imitate, you have to bring yourself to it.

Ananya is a very happy soul, who won't get bogged down by insecurities. I have told her to not imitate anyone.

Certainly early on, I kind of modeled myself after Steve Martin and Bill Murray. I would imitate them sometimes.

I do myself up kind of like a doll. I have a doll collection and I look at their outfits and kind of imitate them.

People have always tried to imitate, but at the end of the day, no one can do me better than I can do me, you know?

I'm one of those guys a lot of people watch, imitate, and then make it seem like they were the ones who did it first.

My style statement is to be myself! Because if you try to imitate someone else, you will end up feeling uncomfortable.

One cannot possibly understand the teaching of the saints unless one has a pure mind and is trying to imitate their life.

I have a lot of respect for people, and I feel they are far more sensible and responsible than to ape or imitate somebody.

I began to imitate what I was reading, and I started to become a poet, even though what I was writing were not good poems.

Art does imitate life, it has to come from somewhere. To put boundaries and limitations on it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

I never wanted to be like anyone growing up. It's always been about the enjoyment, and I've just never wanted to imitate anyone.

Man is defined as a human being and a woman as a female - whenever she behaves as a human being she is said to imitate the male.

If I am playing a historical character, I try to watch the person in newsreels and read about them, but I will not imitate them.

Example has more followers than reason. We unconsciously imitate what pleases us, and approximate to the characters we most admire.

I didn't just grow up in one environment, so it was easy for me, as a child, just to imitate and just be all these different people.

Don't look at all at what other people are doing. Think of what you're doing as completely fresh because if you imitate you're dead.

Most youngsters are so well-connected with the rock music circle that they will know instantly if I attempt to imitate any rock star.

I try to steal something from the great singers. Of course, I don't want to imitate their sound, but I try to do a sort of compromise.

It is not so much the example of others we imitate as the reflection of ourselves in their eyes and the echo of ourselves in their words.

I was kind of an obnoxious kid. I would imitate Celine Dion. I would jump around and belt to the rafters and do the accent and everything.

I mean we all played as kids. You play games, you take on different characters, you imitate; the fun and the love of play has never left me.

I can't do tricks, but I absolutely loved trying, and one of my fondest memories growing up was trying to imitate Ronaldinho and do his dance.

I know I idolise someone like Billie Holiday, but I don't look at her and think I have to imitate her lifestyle, to try and sing like she did.

I see a lot of women of every age trying to be something else. I see them trying to imitate behaviors that they think belong to successful people.

Because America leads the world by example, it's no surprise that some might seek to imitate our domestic rules and regulations on a global scale.

We must be vigilant in sharing our stories and our truths as queer parents of color at every chance we get if we hope to see art imitate real life.

I could tell you which writer's rhythms I am imitating. It's not exactly plagiarism, it's falling in love with good language and trying to imitate it.

It takes a long time to find your own voice. Along the way, you imitate all the things that influence you - in my case Johnny Cash, Bowie, John Lydon.

To rest satisfied with existing evils, as if we could do nothing, is not obedience; but neither is it obedience to imitate the actions of the apostles.

Too many girls try to imitate others and don't think about what makes them unique. The best part of a girl is what makes her who she is as an individual.

How quick are we to learn: that is, to imitate what others have done or thought before. And how slow to understand: that is, to see the deeper connections.

I used to imitate Stone Cold Steve Austin. Identical. I literally made my own waistcoat like Stone Cold, put a little '3:16' I cut out of newspapers for it.

When I'm composing a scene for the first time, I try to imitate my character. The less critical distance the better - particularly when they're acting badly.

We never set up Yandex to imitate what others were doing. We've been in the business longer than other search engines and have created many original products.

My sisters were teenagers when I was born, so the last thing they wanted was a little nappy-headed boy running around. I would imitate them or copy things off TV.

You can't imitate; all our faces are constructed differently... and the vocal cords; otherwise, we'd all sound alike. I don't think anybody should ever teach by imitating.

So it just goes to show you that it was always the Hells Angels first. They were the originals and all other clubs try and imitate what the Hells Angels have already done.

We didn't know about the rest of the world. We just knew the pictures that we saw on TV, and it was so different that we wanted to try to imitate that, to a certain extent.

I was in the playground, like, 'Let's imitate the Spice Girls and form a girl group!' I would go home and sing into my hairbrush and act like Britney Spears. I was no Mozart.

I wasn't actually trained by my mother, she said she never taught me but she was a great singer herself and I can't remember when I didn't listen to her sing and imitate her.

I was just obsessed with soul singers who had these big powerful voices. I used to listen to Aretha, Whitney, Mariah and try and imitate them, note for note and riff for riff.

Washington's entire honesty of mind and his fearless look into the face of all facts are qualities which can never go out of fashion and which we should all do well to imitate.

When I was a young boy, I would watch my mom apply her makeup, so one day, I took a lipstick she had and put it on my mouth, trying to imitate her. It ended up all over my face.

But I think the image that's thrown out on television is a bad image. Because you see players who want to imitate hip-hop stars. And the NBA is taking advantage of the situation.

English, as a subject, never really got over its upstart nature. It tries to bulk itself up with hopeless jargon and specious complexity, tries to imitate subjects it can never be.

'Deadpool' is massively successful because they made a very unique movie. That uniqueness and originality, try to imitate that. Not, 'How about let's try to do 'Deadpool' on a train.'

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