Perhaps our imagination needs crime stories to fulfill some craving we have, as a way to assuage a darkness in ourselves.

The greatest single distinguishing feature of the omnipotence of God is that our imagination gets lost thinking about it.

It is the writer who might catch the imagination of young people, and plant a seed that will flower and come to fruition.

I believe in imagination. I did Kramer vs. Kramer before I had children. But the mother I would be was already inside me.

There is an extraordinary power in storytelling that stirs the imagination and makes an indelible impression on the mind.

He who hopes in God trusts God, Whom he never sees, to bring him to the possession of things that are beyond imagination.

Filmmaking is like playing in your imagination and getting paid to do it. I guess I'll ride this horse until it bucks me.

I grew up knowing I could have had a million different lives. It makes your life mysterious and your imagination go wild.

The whole of mathematics consists in the organization of a series of aids to the imagination in the process of reasoning.

I think acting is a mixture of instinct, imagination and inventiveness. All you can learn as an actor is basic technique.

The thing about imagination is that by the very act of putting it down, there must be some truth in one's own imagination.

Imagination is a force that can actually manifest a reality.Don't put limitations on yourself.Others will do that for you.

What if the primary work of education was the transforming of our imagination rather than the saturation of our intellect?

We have the universe to roam in in imagination. It is our virtue to be infinitely varied. The worst tyranny is uniformity.

Individual words, sounds, squiggles on paper with no meanings other than those with which our imagination can clothe them.

The gift of darkness draws you to know God’s presence beyond what thought, imagination, or sensory feeling can comprehend.

Only imagination and belief can differentiate from the rest certain objects, certain people, and can create an atmosphere.

That is the joy of reading fiction: when all is said and done, the novel belongs to the reader and his or her imagination.

Imaginations and illusions are always so much more powerful and bigger than this mediocre and boring thing called reality.

I've always had a really active imagination. Lots of kids have imaginary friends. Mine just took on a rather demonic form.

An uncontrolled imagination may become as surely intoxicated by overindulgence as a toper may do bodily with strong drink.

A house with a great wine stored below lives in our imagination as a joyful house, fast and splendidly rooted in the soil.

I always think to shoot action scenes is not really about the stunts. It's more about an expression and about imagination.

Faith is a very clever concept. We invented God from our imagination and we use faith to justify His absence from reality.

Monsters cannot be announced. One cannot say: 'Here are our monsters,' without immediately turning the monsters into pets.

We especially need imagination in science. It is not all mathematics, nor all logic, but it is somewhat beauty and poetry.

eternity is a depth which no geometry can measure, no arithmetic calculate, no imagination conceive, no rhetoric describe.

We especially need imagination in science. It is not all mathematics, nor all logic, but it is somewhat beauty and poetry.

Imagination does not stir at the suggestion of the feeble, much diluted stuff that is too often put into children’s hands.

I doubt that the imagination can be suppressed. If you truly eradicated it in a child, he would grow up to be an eggplant.

A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.

Scarcely any degree of judgment is sufficient to restrain the imagination from magnifying that on which it is long detained

The imagination is the liberty of the mind It is intrpeid and eager and the extreme of its achievement lies in abstraction.

I think my securities far outweigh my insecurities. I am not nearly as afraid of myself and my imagination as I used to be.

To refine, to clarify, to intensify that eternal moment in which we alone live there is but a single force the imagination.

Of the things which nourish the imagination, humour is one of the most needful, and it is dangerous to limit or destroy it.

To imagine is the characteristic act, not of the poet's mind, or the painter's, or the scientist's, but of the mind of man.

For every person who can imagine a possibility there are tens of thousands who are stuck in the greased grooves of history.

If you're not sure why you're doing something, you can never do enough of it. Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Poetry proceeds from the totality of man, sense, imagination, intellect, love, desire, instinct, blood and spirit together.

One travels to run away from routine, that dreadful routine that kills all imagination and all our capacity for enthusiasm.

If you don't daydream and kind of plan things out in your imagination, you never get there. So you have to start someplace.

While I can't tell you what people are going to do for work 100 years from now, the future doesn't hinge on my imagination.

That was the appealing thing about comics: There literally is no budget in comics. You're only limited by your imagination.

The most important innovators often don't need any technologies - just imagination and acute sensitivity to people's needs.

The degree in which a poet's imagination dominates reality is, in the end, the exact measure of his importance and dignity.

Talent, lying in the understanding, is often inherited; genius, being the action of reason or imagination, rarely or never.

Education must be aimed at creating a wider imagination in the child, not at suppressing. The childs mind must be set free.

It will be found, in fact, that the ingenious are always fanciful, and the truly imaginative never otherwise than analytic.

Well, no doubt it's a blessed thing to have an imagination that can always make you satisfied, no matter how you are fixed.

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