Imagination is the voice of daring. If there is anything Godlike about God it is that. He dared to imagine everything.

The machine will grind you down, but the machine is not bigger than the imagination. Rome fell in a day. We know this.

Virtue and decency are so nearly related that it is difficult to separate them from each other but in our imagination.

For those who have obtained unobstructed knowledge of Self, the world is seen merely as a bondage causing imagination.

Just as one's imagination is stirred by a girl's smile, so is one's imagination stirred by the possibilities of chess.

The solitude of the poet is the uniqueness of his experience, and the particulaity of his sensitivity and imagination.

Your imagination has much to do with your life.... It is for you to decide how you want your imagination to serve you.

Imagination is like a lofty building reared to meet the sky; whereas fancy is a balloon that soars at the wind's will.

I have an imagination because my life is so boring that my imagination lets me get off the reality of what's going on.

To my mind the boy who gives least promise is one in whom the critical faculty develops in advance of the imagination.

If you're so afraid of your imagination that you stifle it, how are you going to know God? How can you imagine heaven?

I am really only myself when I'm somebody else whom I have endowed with these wonderful qualities from my imagination.

Imagination is Reality Lite - a useful substitute when the real pleasure is inaccessible, too risky, or too much work.

When I started the Imagination Library in my hometown, I never dreamed that one day we would be helping Scottish kids.

SPOOKER, n. A writer whose imagination concerns itself with supernatural phenomena, especially in the doings of spooks.

I am passionate about tea, running, the idea that we are bound only by the limits of our imaginations, and maple syrup.

I think courage is commensurate with your fear - if you lack imagination and you're fearless, that's not courage to me.

As an actor, you deal in fantasy, imagination, and concentration. Those are your three weapons. Those are your bullets.

It is the eye of ignorance that assigns a fixed and unchangeable color to every object; beware of this stumbling block.

Hitler [had an] excess of imagination, which very frequently foresaw what would happen but also very often went astray.

The Christian faith is the most exciting drama that ever staggered the imagination of man - and the dogma is the drama.

The worlds I paint leave a lot to engage the imagination by hinting at what lies beyond the four edges of the painting.

We think we understand the rules when we become adults but what we really experience is a narrowing of the imagination.

I don't think I've reached perfection by any stretch of the imagination, but maybe someday I'll become a perfectionist.

I love theatrics and have a huge imagination: Why would I want to sit onstage and sing a bunch of ballads back-to-back?

How exquisitely human was the wish for permanent happiness, and how thin human imagination became trying to achieve it.

He considered it a shame when people couldn't grasp the infinite-a failure not just of imagination but of simple vision.

I don't mind if what they write about me has some truth in it. Pure imagination makes me feel sad about the whole thing.

I thought I could make out Jamie's Highland screech, but that was likely imagination; they all sounded equally demented.

Men become superstitious, not because they have too much imagination, but because they are not aware that they have any.

The imagination is not the consolation people pretend. It can even be regarded as the admission of some sort of failure.

Wit penetrates; humor envelops. Wit is a function of verbal intelligence; humor is imagination operating on good nature.

As usual, nature's imagination far surpasses our own, as we have seen from the other theories which are subtle and deep.

The main purpose of my work is to provoke people into using their imagination and make their surroundings more exciting.

The immediate future of man lies in the imagination and in seeking the dimension where the imagination can be expressed.

Often we use the word problem only because we have not learned that imagination and creativity can handle the situation.

One of the great elements of the supernatural is having that mystery and letting people's imaginations run wild with it.

I understand abstract art as an attempt to feed imagination with a world built through the basic sensations of the eyes.

The greatest sin of political imagination: Thinking there is no other way except the filthy rotten system we have today.

True sympathy is putting ourselves in another's place; and we are moved in proportion to the reality of our imagination.

It's through the small things that we develop our moral imagination, so that we can understand the sufferings of others.

Love doesn't grow on trees like apples in Eden - it's something you have to make. And you must use your imagination too.

So scary watching the news...Like Iraq...could ever under any stretch of the imagination be any threat to us whatsoever.

I can find no room in my cosmos for a deity save as a waste product of human weakness, the excrement of the imagination.

I paint what cannot be photographed, that which comes from the imagination or from dreams, or from an unconscious drive.

I think that different actors go about their preparation differently, but when it comes to acting, I use my imagination.

All gardeners need to know when to accept something wonderful and unexpected, taking no credit except for letting it be.

Having imagination it takes you an hour to write a paragraph that if you were unimaginative would take you only a minute.

Every man's world picture is and always remains a construct of his mind and cannot be proved to have any other existence.

Imagination is the doorway you walk through into every future moment. Are you walking through doorways to pain or to joy?

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