But he was not kidnapped. ... It's in his imagination. He creates his own world and he believes it is reality.

Imagination is as vital to any advance in science as learning and precision are essential for starting points.

This extraordinary group has absolutely captivated my imagination, knocked my socks off - what more can I say?

When the past dies, there is mourning, but when the future dies our imaginations are compelled to carry it on.

A pioneer should have imagination, should be able to enjoy the idea of things more than the things themselves.

Einstein said 'your imagination is more important than intelligence,' and I have a very, very big imagination.

To those devoid of imagination a blank place on the map is a useless waste; to others, the most valuable part.

I've always had a desire to write something and capture people's imagination like Peter Pan had captured mine.

A writer who attempts to live on the manufacture of his imagination is continually coquetting with starvation.

Psychologists have hitherto failed to realize that imagination is a necessary ingredient of perception itself.

There is drinking in lots of the songs because there is drinking in life. Drinking stimulates the imagination.

Human imagination is not simply our means of reaching out to God but God's means of manifesting himself to us.

The mathematician is entirely free, within the limits of the imagination, to construct what worlds he pleases.

Those who are clever in imagination are far more pleased with themselves than prudent men could reasonably be.

Despair, when not the response to absolute physical and moral defeat is, like war, the failure of imagination.

Girls are capable of doing everything men are capable of doing. Sometimes they have more imagination than men.

When our desires are fulfilled, we never fail to realize the wealth of imagination and the paucity of reality.

All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination.

I see libraries and librarians as frontline soldiers in the war against illiteracy and the lack of imagination.

Imagination grows by exercise, and contrary to common belief, is more powerful in the mature than in the young.

There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there, you'll be free if you truly wish to be.

I'm up to my neck in the real world, every day. Just you try doing your VAT return with a head full of goblins.

Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.

Compared to Nature we suffer a poverty of imagination; it is thus much easier for us to uncover than to invent.

I suppose an active imagination can be a form of madness. Or it can be the thing that keeps you from going mad.

My favorite literature to read is fairly dry history. I like the framework, and my imagination can do the rest.

Since most problems are created by our imagination and are thus imaginary, all we need are imaginary solutions.

Anything you put your mind to and add your imagination into can make your life a lot better and a lot more fun.

Zero invites imagination, but small numbers invite questions about whether large numbers will ever materialize.

We see with the eyes, but we see with the brain as well. And seeing with the brain is often called imagination.

I am an actor and I live in the world of pretend in my working capacity. I live in the world of my imagination.

Laissons les jolies femmes aux hommes sans imagination. Leave the pretty women for the men without imagination.

The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

The worst advice a young writer can get is "Write what you know." Imagination is more important than experience.

The imagination is an innate gift, but it needs refinement and cultivation; this is what the humanities provide.

Organic as a dandelion seed, [the ship of our imagination] will carry us to worlds of dreams and worlds of facts

The source and center of all man's creative power... is his power of making images, or the power of imagination.

Whatever strengthens and purifies the affections, enlarges the imagination, and adds spirit to sense, is useful.

Experience and imagination must enter into the very constitution of our thoughts involving concrete individuals.

There is no such thing as separation of church and state. It is merely a figment of the imagination of infidels.

There are two gods in this universe: God and Imagination. Both of them can design and create infinite creations.

The ambition of much of today's literary theory seems to be to find ways to read literature without imagination.

How do you take something and make it special? The answer is a lot of hard work and a great deal of imagination.

Vegetarianism is an act of the imagination. It reflects an ability to imagine alternatives to the texts of meat.

Imagination in poetry, as distinguished from mere fancy is the transfiguring of the real or actual to the ideal.

Imagination is a good horse to carry you over the ground - not a flying carpet to set you free from probability.

I want to liberate my imagination and my mind with every kind of movie. That is what I wanted to do all my life.

Imagination does not enable us to invent as many different contradictions as there are by nature in every heart.

We imagine that we want to escape our selfish and commonplace existence, but we cling desperately to our chains.

There is no connection between the political ideas of our educated class and the deep places of the imagination.

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