I think Nature's imagination is so much greater than man's, she's never gonna let us relax!

I really think one of the greatest allies you can have is the imagination of your audience.

No man can avail himself of the forces of his creative imagination, while dissipating them.

I have no imagination; I just steal from life and change the color. Then it's a comic book.

Music is about imagination. It's about thought. It's about creating something from nothing.

I think really what unites psychedelic people is the faith in the power of the imagination.

Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination; do not become the slave of your model.

It's beyond imagination until you actually get up and see it and experience it and feel it.

Manners are about imagination, ultimately. They are about imagining being the other person.

The goal is not to speculate on what might happen, but to imagine what you can make happen.

I used to lie in bed in my flat and imagine what would happen if there was a zombie attack.

The imagination, give it the least license, dives deeper and soars higher than Nature goes.

It would be a bitter cosmic joke if we destroy ourselves due to atrophy of the imagination.

Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense.

Dreams, ideas, and plans not only are an escape, they give me purpose, a reason to hang on.

Everything great that ever happened in this world happened first in somebody’s imagination.

What we wish, we readily believe, and what we ourselves think, we imagine others think also.

In all forms of magick, the imagination or image-making faculty is the most important factor

There comes a moment... When imagination gives out and Reality leaps forth. It is frightful!

But who can paint like Nature? Can imagination boast, amid its gay creation, hues like hers?

When you learn that you can trust life, life will deliver treasures beyond your imagination.

It's amazing what you can do with an E in A-Level art, a twisted imagination and a chainsaw.

If we lacked imagination enough to foresee something better, life would indeed be a tragedy.

What is it in the actor, the stage, that casts so powerful a spell on the young imagination?

What is poetry? The suggestion, by the imagination, of noble grounds for the noble emotions.

Where my reason, imagination or interest were not engaged, I would not or I could not learn.

That which dominates our imagination and our thoughts will determine our life and character.

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson's life in space-time colored his liberated life of the imagination.

Through imagination, we can visualize the uncredited worlds of potential that lie within us.

The sorrows we imagine are more profound and inconsolable than real life leaves us time for.

Never before has the gap between what we can imagine and what we can accomplish been smaller.

I don't understand the process of imagination-though I know that I am very much at its mercy.

Part of the creative process for me is an invitation for readers to follow their imagination.

Our fundamental task as human beings is to seek out connections-to exercise our imaginations.

Philosophers' Syndrome: mistaking a failure of the imagination for an insight into necessity.

Common sense is usually lack of imagination, and imagination is usually lack of common sense.

Purity of heart means the control of the imagination and the rigorous care of the affections.

I deserved to find pleasure that surpassed my imagination, better than any I had experienced.

Reality provides us with facts so romantic that imagination itself could add nothing to them.

Wasn't writing a kind of soaring, an achievable form of flight, of fancy, of the imagination?

Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed. The imagination must be given not wings but weights.

When man tries to imagine Paradise on earth, the immediate result is a very respectable Hell.

The cinema is there to heighten the imagination; I have always tried to make sure it does so.

Were it not for imagination a man would be as happy in arms of a chambermaid as of a duchess.

Thinking is different from perceiving and is held to be in part imagination, in part judgment

All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry.

Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.

Set your ideal as near to perfection as your imagination is capable of forming the conception.

It is our imagination, not our conscience, which makes us better than the beasts of the field.

I always wanted to ride a dragon myself, so I decided to do this for a year in my imagination.

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