I always knew I wanted it to be illustrated.

For most of my career I illustrated books for other people.

My dream was always to be on the cover of 'Sports Illustrated.'

These 'Sports Illustrated' people, they know how to hold a secret.

I wrote and illustrated a science experiment book called 'The Mad Professor'.

That difficult place to put your finger on about the world - it needs to be illustrated.

Even if I did have, you know, a 'Sports Illustrated' body, I'd still wear elegant clothes.

I am a big fan of the web comic 'Strong Female Protagonist,' illustrated by Molly Ostertag.

I never thought I'd make the pages of 'Sports Illustrated', because I've always been skinny.

I certainly think we're going to see more and more graphic novels and more illustrated novels.

I want to model and I want to do whatever it takes to be a 'Sports Illustrated' swimsuit model.

I'm such a day-to-day person and 'Sports Illustrated' was a 12-year-long dream that finally came true.

I always wanted to write something illustrated, and the Details strip finally gave me the opportunity.

The Bible illustrated by Dore occupied many of my hours - and I think probably gave me many nightmares.

I was a big 'MAD Magazine' fan when I was a kid, and I read a lot of horror comics - I illustrated as well.

Every single model wants to be in 'Sports Illustrated,' and I feel extremely blessed to have that opportunity.

I have done 'Sports Illustrated,' but I don't regret it because it portrayed me in a positive way - as an athlete.

I have copies of the books my grandfather illustrated for Scribner's in each house. I read those books all the time.

If an actor only comes alive when he has lines to say, it doesn't work, and the same goes for illustrated characters.

I started my career as a swimsuit model. My first big break in America was 2007, 'Sports Illustrated' Swimsuit Issue.

We develop our propensity to forgive or not to forgive by what we see illustrated at the early ages of our development.

I made the cover of 'Sports Illustrated,' 'Newsweek' and 'Time' all in one week, and I didn't even know what that meant.

I'll come out and say it because no one else will: French gross-out humor is the best. Particularly the illustrated variety.

Life magazine ran a page featuring me and three other girls that was clearly the precursor of Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues.

For a while I was on the cover of every Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, which was regarded as the pinnacle of success in America.

When we do 'Sports Illustrated,' it starts the night before. You do a St. Tropez tan that night, then baby oil gel, then body color.

I felt I had 'made it' as a model when I was invited to be the first model to shoot for the 2019 'Sports Illustrated' Swimsuit issue.

I prefer the finesse of French humour. English humour is more scathing, more cruel, as illustrated by Monty Python and Little Britain.

When 'Sports Illustrated' came out with their 50 most fashionable people in sport, that fact that I wasn't on that list is a travesty.

As a woman of color and curve model, I never imagined when I started modeling that I would be featured in the pages of 'Sports Illustrated.'

The project that I did between 'Boxer & Saints' was 'The Shadow Hero,' which is illustrated by Sonny Liew, an artist who lives in Singapore.

The 'Classics Illustrated' series was an excellent primer in literature, and I also really enjoyed Zachary Hamby's mythology books for teens.

I love print fiction, but sometimes when I'm reading a good graphic novel or manga, I find myself envying those who work in an illustrated format.

Once I'm given an idea for a story I have a million ideas on how it should be illustrated, but I don't have a big shoebox full of unfinished ideas.

When I was a kid, I was a big fan of the regional scene. I read 'Pro Wrestling Illustrated,' and I watched Portland Wrestling and everything I could.

It was actually a very nice little book done by a gift book company. They illustrated it with pictures from 1920s football, before there were face guards.

It's become another dimension to who I am. I don't think Sports Illustrated is going to be wanting me. But who cares? I'm at a different place in my life.

Internationalism, illustrated by the Bolshevik and by the men to whom all countries are alike provided they can make money out of them, is to me repulsive.

'The Godfather' illustrated the family values - the reality that it was really a family thing, honor and tradition. It wasn't just a single-dimension thing.

I work for ABC television; I have my own syndicated TV series. I've been on the cover of 'Time Magazine' and on the cover of 'Sports Illustrated' five times.

Learning should be a joy and full of excitement. It is life's greatest adventure; it is an illustrated excursion into the minds of the noble and the learned.

I did a shoot for 'Sports Illustrated,' and my grandpa called me and asked when my issue of 'Playboy' was coming out. It was hilarious as well as embarrassing.

I wasn't put on the cover of 'Sports Illustrated' as a plus-size model; I was put on the cover of 'Sports Illustrated' as a model, as a rookie, as Ashley Graham.

Bringing GIS into schools gets the kids very excited and indirectly teaches them different components of STEM education. That's been illustrated at school after school.

You can really walk around a song and completely, if it's a good song, look at it from a lot of different angles. Johnny Cash with Rick Rubin illustrated that perfectly.

'Sports Illustrated' does extremely minimal retouching. Other publications, however... phew. They do a lot; I've watched myself be Photoshopped before. It. Is. The. Worst.

The Nixon years were trying. They honed my judgment for everything I did later on. The experience also illustrated for me the importance of training young lawyers properly.

The capacity of the female mind for studies of the highest order cannot be doubted, having been sufficiently illustrated by its works of genius, of erudition, and of science.

'Just looking at pictures' used to be considered cheating. No longer. The graphic novel is booming. Comics, heavily illustrated texts, books with no words are now accepted as reading.

I was about 12 when I first encountered 'The Moonstone' - or a Classics Illustrated version of it - digging through an old trunk in my grandfather's house on a rainy Bengali afternoon.

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