If you can't think of anything nice to say, come sit here beside me.

If you're making a time capsule you have to throw my album in there.

All the exaggerations are right, if they exaggerate the right thing.

If thou hadst a good conscience thou wouldst not greatly fear death.

A man that doesn't have a woman doesn't know if he is one (a "man").

I was gonna go broke if I didn't get things turned around real fast.

If the Bible and the microscope do not agee, the microscope is wrong

If you're going to accept freedom, there's the freedom to be stupid.

If they think I'm going to stop at that stop sign, they're mistaken!

If you don't fall how are you going to know what getting up is like.

But what are our stories if not the mirrors we hold up to our fears?

If a can opener no longer has the capacity to open cans, what is it?

If we do not transform our pain, we will most assuredly transmit it.

There may be a heaven, but if Joan Crawford is there, I'm not going.

If there is no fun in it, something is wrong with all you are doing.

If you don't think that you're the best, how do you become the best?

What's the point of getting killed if you've got the wrong exposure?

If life is a loom, the pattern you weave is not so easily unraveled.

We also have to ask if we focusing on the most important priorities.

If it takes you apart, that's not love. Love puts you back together.

If you make happy those that are near, those that are far will come.

You have to be willing to be afraid if you're going to be an artist.

Pray as if all depended on God and work as if all depended upon you.

If my work is accepted, I must move on to the point where it is not.

As if by magic, the love of the many comes with the love of the one.

I'm sure you're very nice, but you'd be even nicer if you went away.

If I had one wish I'd wish for a million wishes because I am clever.

If they had Nautilus on the Concorde, I would work out all the time.

What is love, if it can calculate and provide against its own decay?

If you expect the worst from people, that's exactly what you'll get.

What if they were allowed to choose their own mate? And chose wrong?

If there hadn't been an Elvis, there wouldn't have been the Beatles.

The great equalizer is health. If you don't have it, you're screwed.

What right do I have to be in the woods, if the woods are not in me.

If emptiness is empty, how can something be borne or awaken from it?

If you panic that's a good way to lose. You have to stay in control.

If something is working, don't fix it. Keep going. Go with the glow.

If you go into a relationship when you're 16, you've got no baggage.

If you keep circling the promise, God will ultimately deliver on it.

Somedays, if bitterness were a whetstone, I could be sharp as grief.

When I was 27, if I didn't put 15 things in one dish I wasn't happy.

Hate I shall, if I can; if I can't, I shall love though not willing.

If a piece of genius comes, it comes, and it if doesn't, it doesn't.

If you feel like an outsider, you tend to observe things a lot more.

If you can take photographs with language, I'm taking one right now.

Tally wondered if you could talk somebody out of their brain damage.

There are spiritual and physical laws to obey if we are to be happy.

If I had to have a favorite chef, I'd probably say I like Guy Fieri.

There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction.

I'm only really interested in taking a part if it's nothing like me.

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