If you never did anything for your own freedom, you're not worth a human being in my view.

I know where I'm going. And if I don't know where I'm going, I don't tend to get anywhere.

If you spend a thing you can not have it. [Lat., Non tibi illud apparere si sumas potest.]

I usually tell somebody if a song’s for them. I don’t always tell them if it’s about them.

If the time comes and your dream doesn't seem worth it, then maybe it was the wrong dream.

If you allow yourself, you can become stronger in the very places that you've been broken.

If you don't go to a dance you can never be rejected but you'll never get to dance either.

If you think something is impossible, it is. Until you decide it’s possible and you do it.

If thou thinkest twice before thou speakest once, thou wilt speak twice the better for it.

I wish to reproduce things as they are or as they would be even if I myself did not exist.

It is not enough for us to be where God is worshipped, if we do not ourselves worship him.

I am according to my slave's expectations of me: if good, then good, and if bad, then bad.

If you can provide the funding and you get the leadership, you'll have a competitive team.

Confidence is not 'they will like me'. Confidence instead is 'I'll be fine if they don't'.

If Chester had a failing, it was that he believed people were what they thought they were.

Have the courage to do something which deserves transportation if you want to be somebody.

If we're going to have better choices for women, we've got to have better choices for men.

Any job is a job. If you have to be doing something, then you're probably not enjoying it.

Internationally, I have as large of a fan base - if not larger - than I have domestically.

It doesn't matter if you are model or not; confidence is something that comes from inside.

Entrepreneurs are always super optimistic. If they weren't they wouldn't be entrepreneurs.

If I had to choose a superhero to be, I would pick Superman. He's everything that I'm not.

Lady," she whimpered softly, wondering if she would meet her wolf again when she was dead.

Don't squander what you have. If you do, you'll spend the rest of your days regretting it.

Maybe this society, if anything, has become more patriarchal, and that has to be combated.

If I like you, I'll confront you and be open about it. Then I expect you to come after me.

If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality.

We all know that if you run, you are pretty much choosing a life of success because of it.

If you want to be popular, preach happiness. If you want to be unpopular, preach holiness.

Mixed use is what cities are all about. If you don't have mixed use you don't have cities.

If talk was money, you'd be a millionaire. If thoughts could kill, there'd be no one here.

Know what you want to do, because if you don't know what you want to do, you'll get stuck.

If you have no authority to legislate my freedoms, then I'm truly free, at least from you.

If you don't get it right with your first family, you can always do it again with another.

If you have someone on the set for the hair, why would you not have someone for the words?

If you're going to stop masturbating, you can't taper off. You've got to quit, cold jerky!

If I am not right for something there are many talented actors out there that will get it.

Does it not seem as if Mozart's works become fresher and fresher the oftener we hear them?

If it is not nailed to the floor, it's mine. If I can pry it loose, it is not nailed down.

If something is opinion, put it in the opinion section: Don't put it in the facts section.

The social revolution is seriously compromised if it comes through a political revolution.

You can only be connected to others if you are connected to yourself and the truth inside.

If you suppress laboratories, physical science will be stricken with barrenness and death.

You do not 'suffer' if you decide 'that's the way it is' rather than 'why is it this way?'

If I could say something to everyone on this planet, I'd tell them to follow their dreams.

If nothing in this world satisfies me, perhaps it is because I was made for another world.

If French is no longer the language of a power, it can be the language of a counter power.

Ah, the things we would do if we could — especially in the secure knowledge that we can't.

If you're a victim, you're always mad, but never at yourself. You're mad at somebody else.

Khadi will cease to have any value in my eyes if it does not usefully employ the millions.

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