If a secret is revealed, the person who has confided it to another is to be blamed.

If people are saying you’re wrong that’s probably a good sign that you’re a genius.

If I loved someone enough, I would go anywhere in the world with them." —Staggerlee

The world is an astounding place, and we can see it every day, if we're open to it.

I'll come back to you," I say, "If it's the last thing I do, I'll come back to you.

Hold your tongue; you won't understand anything. If there is no God, then I am God.

I'm not going to pass out—” He cut her off with a kiss. “If you did, I'd catch you.

If my photos have any value, it's because they show a Mexico that no longer exists.

We always lead with hits. If you want to have success, you have to be riding a hit.

If making an error doesn't make you mad, what's the point? Why put all the work in?

If you see a Bible that is falling apart, it probably belongs to someone who isn't!

How could you have had such a wonderful life as me if there wasn't a God directing?

It's really not that hard to put food on the table if that's what you decide to do.

I will always do stand-up, even if my acting career takes off. Stand-up is my life.

If you serve others as fully as you can, what you do will be a source of inner joy.

Serve many fruitlessly, If one repay, Th' ingratitude of thousands 'twill outweigh.

If you die, I'll die.' 'But is you live, I'll live.' - Bowman and Kestrel, Firesong

There is no system that is inherently moral if the participants themselves are not.

If freedom were not so economically efficient it certainly wouldn't stand a chance.

Even that. What is the point in living forever, if it is not with the woman I love?

If you want to do something very praiseworthy and very saintly, make a child happy!

If there is another me inside of me Then I hope that he's a better person than I am

If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it.

That's the thing about us lawyers - if at all possible, we will consume each other.

The only way an Iraqi biological agent would kill you is if it landed on your head.

I love to write humor. If I could make a living doing it that is all I would write.

Why are you such an asshat?" "An asshat?" Jace looked as if he were about to laugh.

I’m really alive! he thought. I never knew it before, or if I did I don’t remember!

If cryonics were a scam it would have far better marketing and be far more popular.

If you are going to try and change things, you had better have your wits about you.

The future is always changing. If we had no choices, there'd be no point in living.

You can't figure out the Universe, especially if you're using figures to figure it.

If I felt like not saying what was on the cue card, I would. We rarely did retakes.

You have to expect that if you cuss out the world, The world is going to cuss back.

There is nothing wrong with compromising. Even if you compromise almost everything.

Besides, do any of us understand what we are doing? If we did, would we ever do it?

Providence must call us and we must follow it, if we are to go forward confidently.

If everyone would look for that uniqueness then we would have a very colorful world.

If we keep everything in balance, we are in harmony with ourselves and are at peace.

He realized that if he didn't leave, it would never be his life. It would be theirs.

You do not understand your own tradition if you do not see it in relation to others.

How can you expect someone to get a good day's work if they are interrupted all day?

If I lose my honor, I lose myself: better I were not yours Than yours so branchless.

If you think you understand what I am saying you do not understand what I am saying.

I always have someplace else I’d rather be, even if I don’t know where that is, yet.

I just let my hair go - if there's no hairdresser around I really can't be bothered!

If you can’t advertise yourself, what hope do you have of advertising anything else?

Asked if he believes in one G-d, a mathematician answered: "Yes, up to isomorphism".

If you have formed a circle to go into,Go into it yourself and see how you would do.

If some things don't make you lose your sense of reason, then you have none to lose.

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