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You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertising.
Ideals jump across the hierarchies of the printed word.
These are classic, perennial ideals we are dealing with.
The ideal structure for a family is one that remains so.
My ideal reader is somebody who reads my poems out loud.
The ideal has many names, and beauty is but one of them.
I've felt this real need to ground my work in my ideals.
Ideals do exist, the rest is just temporary interruption.
Each model I have represents a type of ideal women to me.
We're all slight hypocrites who fall short of our ideals.
Fix upon your ideal of what you wish to make of yourself.
The ideal itself is but truth clothed in the forms of art.
Grow into your ideals so that life cannot rob you of them.
My ideal of manliness is to be incapable of doing anything
The true Christian ideal is not to be happy but to be holy.
The Ideal is in thyself, the impediments too is in thyself.
I was raised Catholic... I fell in love with certain ideals.
Under the ideal measure of values there lurks the hard cash.
Governments do not make ideals, but ideals make governments.
The superman is a premature ideal, one that presupposes man.
Normality is a fine ideal for those who have no imagination.
We consider that the United Nations' ideal is a Jewish ideal.
The ideal husband understands every word his wife doesn't say.
Growing up, my ideals were Barbra Streisand, Cher, and my mom.
Conservation is not just an ideal that we read about; it works.
An ideal culture is one that makes a place for every human gift
Masculine ideals have become very confused in the modern world.
I can't say I had an ideal father, and I'm not a father myself.
American ideals are superior to countries all across the world.
Idolatry is permissible in Hinduism when it sub serves an ideal.
Life only makes sense when our highest ideal is to serve Christ!
The fonder you are of your ideals, the greater your heartbreaks.
I absolutely realize that a celebrity spokesperson is not ideal.
Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon.
I have a clean conscience and ideals that I am willing to defend.
My ideal travel companions are my surfboard, wetsuit, and guitar.
What are you accepting that would not be a part of your ideal day?
I don't at all search for an ideal woman, but several ideal women.
The ideal day never comes. Today is ideal for him who makes it so.
You can be with other people, which is ideal, or you can be alone.
You will put on a dress of guilt and shoes with broken high ideals.
The ideal editor will hold you to the best of yourself in the piece.
hearts are the strongest when they beat in response to noble ideals.
The Australian tour was good for us; it was ideal preparation for us.
All our scientific and philosophic ideals are altars to unknown gods.
Love imperfectly. Be a love idiot. Let yourself forget any love ideal.
People love high ideals, but they got to be about 33-percent plausible
Blessed is he who carries within himself a God, an ideal, and obeys it.
Death is never sweet, not even if it is suffered for the highest ideal.
Film stars and players can be sources of entertainment but never ideals.